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Update-Lazy SD Princesses

RB's picture

DH can't stand the Lazy SD Princesses (20 & 25) either, but insists on giving them time to save up for first and last months rent for their apartment. I think I've been waiting long enough! They've had plenty of time to save up-years. When I came home from work today the kitchen sink was full of dishes, the cat had been left in the house, and the place was a mess. I'm getting down right B****y and my DH is tired of hearing me B**** about the Lazy SD Princesses so now I can't even hold a conversation with him about them and their actions. Lovely. Just lovely. I say they need to be out by the 21st of the month and he just says he knows and the more reasons I give him the more irritated he gets. He also says they've had plenty of time and he is ready for them to move, but he "doesn't want a scene". I can't stand it anymore. I think I need to throw little spoiled bratt fits like his ex-wife did (the Lazy SD Princesses mother) because he bent over hand over foot for that lazy B**** every time she had a little hissy fit. She even went so far as to fall down on the floor, cry and kick her feet. Just like a five year old, and you know what? He did everything for her. I will not lower myself to that, but I am starting to wonder if that is what it takes.

Uhgg! Lazy SD Princess (25) just wobbled her a** into the kitchen when I was typing this. I'm pretty sure she was drunk. Complete with dumb a** comments and all. I will be so glad when she moves out of my house! I'm thinking her and her dumb a** sister had better be moved out by the 21st. I've had my fill of this shit.


Amazed's picture

I would be putting my little size 6 foot into their asses }:) that sucks so bad. It's like your home is being invaded... not by aliens...but by drunk biatches :O

Keep us posted on the "saving for rent" status! Good luck staying sane doll! ((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

Shaman29's picture

Excuse me?

"he "doesn't want a scene"." Too damn bad.

If I were in your shoes, I would sit DH down and tell him you're giving him 30 days notice. Tell him he has 30 days to get the little s**ts out of your house, or you will be finding a place of your own. No sane person should have to live like this.

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine

glynne's picture

It's time for a boycott. Here is what I did that finally got lazy SD out. I stopped buying groceries, did my own laundry, removed all my nice things from bathroom that stepslob was using and stop cleaning that bathroom also. When I wasn't working late, I was working out at the gym or dining out with girlfriends. It took about 2 weeks for my DH to notice that he had no clean underwear, no milk in the fridge and very little of my company. Once he did, SD found a place. I still have to deal with her but at least I have my home back.


Shaman29's picture

What a brilliant way to deal with this problem!!! Much better than my idea and way more classy! I'm such a "pick up my toys and go home" kind of person in relationships. When I've had my patience exhausted, I leave.

Wow......your idea should be used by all of us SP's if we're faced with this problem.

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine

RB's picture

I think my DH 'might' be starting to get it. By the way, I did post rental info on the fridge last night. A good rental, too. My DH also mentioned to me how he cannot believe how many good rentals the Lazy SD Princesses have let go by. Well, I hate to break the news to him, its because his lazy SD Prinecesses have it too easy. They know they are to be out of my house by the 21st but I'm sure they'll push it to the very last moment and beyond if they think they can get away with it. And what is it with the 20-year old Lazy SD Princess and how many eggs she eats per day? I mean 6 eggs for breakfast seems a little much especially when I'm footing the bill. They won't buy TP, paper towels, or anything unless it is some specialty item for themselves. They drink all their dad's alcohol. My dad would have kicked my a** if I would have done that. Then again, he had rules in his house that we all followed. After all, he was the Dad. And, with that said, I think that may be what the problem is here, these lazy a**es don't respect their dad.