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How can you tell if a child is learning disabled or just has a speech delay

mrsparks's picture

SS's vocabulary consists of about 25 words tops, and they are rarely clear.
We haven't gone to court yet and DH is not the custodial parent, I would like to get him tested ASAP.

Your thoughts?


Casper3's picture

How old is he? How is he in other developmental areas? Is he going to his regular pediatric visits and if so who is taking him? I am sure there are other questions that need to be answered but these would be where I would start. I do know that children will very rarely be labeled as learning disabled prior to the age of 3. There is so much variation in how children develope.

mrsparks's picture

BM has been responsible,or shall I say irresponsible as far as we know... all childcare records and dr, visits are currently being subpoened by our lawyer, BM has refused to tell DH anything about his care.. she is a compulsive liar so we can't believe anything..

We were told he was in daycare/preschool and going to the dr. etc.
but we are waiting for the lawyer to confirm that..
Come to find out he hasn't been in daycare for going on 2 years..

Rosedeer1's picture

Well at 5 he should know a LOT more than 25 words, it does not matter if mom has him, dad can make arrangements for him to be tested, however they will catch this once he starts kindergarten, and if he turns 5 in July he should be going to kindergarten in Sept. I would say there is a problem but who knows what mom is doing, time for dad to take action and make something happen, your SS would not be early intervention because he is older than 3 you would have to get in contact with you CPSE, which is a committe on preschool education, they would be able to give him an evaluation and go from there, if he is that delayed services need to start asap!!! I can not believe mom has not taken care of this, he lack of taking care of this could help in court, document everything dad has talked to mom about and have him call the local school and they will be able to point him in the right direction, you should have a county representative for this in your area. GOOD LUCK!!

herewegoagain's picture

will tell you that I constantly told my son's pediatrician I was concerned about my son's speech...he continuously told me not to age 3 I switched pediatricians...the new ped said exactly the same thing...I kept thinking something was wrong...then 6 mos before he started kindergarten, I took him myself to get evaluated for speech at Scottish Rite and was told he was very the level of a 1 1/2 yr old...I could've whacked those doctors...but as a new mother, although I constantly compared him to others, we often are pressured by doctors who claim THEY know best.

With that said, my son is now 7 and still in speech therapy...he has greatly improved, but he could've improved much more if they would've listened to me at age 3 or before...sigh...that is something that tears me up and I feel guilty for not trusting my instinct and instead trusting the pediatricians...

My son is not learning disabled. Although he eventually was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (a form of autism), it was very clear early on that he was very smart and could learn rather quickly...actually, he has an amazing memory, go figure...We noticed that when we did puzzles about maps/planets, etc...and told him the names, he immediately remembered and would never forget...we used the TV and lots of VISUAL cues/games to teach him and it is truly amazing how fast he learns...

I would say that you need to take him to someone to get his speech evaluated. Unfortunately, for insurance to pay you have to get a referral from the pediatrician, which normally ignores you...but, at age 3, you could also go to your local school district and ask that he be evaluated and that is completely free...

Good luck...listen more to your heart than what the pediatricians tell you...

herewegoagain's picture

oops, just realized he's 5...go to the school district...but although I won't tell you that maybe BM has not handled it properly, please also understand that there are many worthless pediatricians out there who basically tell you "don't worry"...and when you do, they think you are's very stressful...

mrsparks's picture

One more issue, we do not live in the same city as BM, she lives 1.5 hours from us- I suppose he can still get tested nevertheless no matter where he will go to school.
We can wait until he's 6 here in Ohio, and I know he will need this time and then some.. I need to start making some calls asap. I just don't want there to be any repercussion from BM is she finds out we had him tested without her permission.

BMJen's picture

He's your DH's son as well. He has every right in the world to get the child tested.

BTW, my BD 2 years, has a vocabulary of 36 words.

~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~

mrsparks's picture

as BM is constantly telling him he has none and threatens to accuse him of kidnapping etc.. Ummm.. how is it kidnapping if you voluntarily hand SS off... *idiot*

Thanks for your input!

I made some calls today to see when we can get SS in for testing.