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zerostepdrama's Blog

Should I feel bad about this?

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My Ex's mother (I will refer to as ExMIL, even though ex and I were never married) has a summer cabin in Canada. We are in the USA.

Summer cabin is in a VERY rustic area. If I understand correctly, bordering on some federally protected land.

Cabin has only solar power and hot water. Rain water catchment system. Outhouse.

To get to the cabin, you have to park your car, then travel another 3+ miles via foot then row boat, then climb up a mountain.

Ex MIL has encountered many wild animals at her cabin. She uses a whistle to scare them off. No gun.

How independent are you and how does that affect you in Step Life?

zerostepdrama's picture

How independent are you?

Do you think this affects you and your life in Step Hell?

For me, I am very idependent. Finanicially, emotionally, personally, in all aspects of my life.

I dont NEED to be married to DH or NEED to be with DH. I WANT to be.

I think because I am very idependent, I dont rely on DH. And since I dont rely on DH, I am more vocal about how the skids/BM/step life affect me.

I have no problem speaking up about what I want in life because I dont rely on him.

Projection???? Stereotypes?

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How much do you project your experience from the skids, BM, step life, etc on to other people?

Because your skids are assholes and jerks, you assume that all COD are the same way.

Because BM is a whore, greedy bitch, you assume that all BMs are this way. (of course if you are a BM with a kid with your SO, this doesnt apply to you ;-))

Because you are a SM, you feel for all SMs and dont think they can do any wrong.

I think that our experiences obviously affect how we feel about people and situations.

YAY DH... BM's picture on his Facebook

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OSD tagged DH is some pics on FB. It was a post stating that her aunt (on BM's side) found some old pics. 2 of the pics were of OSD, 1 pic of OSD and SS and 1 pic of BM, DH,OSD and SS.

So my niece who is friends with DH on FB is scrolling through her newsfeed and the pics pop up. She just happened to be with me, shows me, etc. Really no biggie. I show it to DH. We kind of laugh at DH's hair back then, etc.

Way OT- automated pet food feeder timer

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Has anyone ever used one of those feeders that are on a schedule?

We are going on vacation in a few months and I wanted to try one. I do have someone coming over to check on and feed the cats, but I thought the timer would be helpful for the morning feedings.

2 of my cats are CRAZY! They are over weight. They have only become crazier now that they are on a diet. I dont want to spend a ton of money, only for the cats to tear up the feeder, waiting to be fed. LOL.

They manage some nights to break into the food container even though it has a lock lid.

Feelings about skids carry over to feelings about in-laws

zerostepdrama's picture

My in-laws are okay. They dont live in the same state as us, so I dont have to see them very often. When I do see them, its fine.

I have my opinion about MIL due to her being a crackhead whore mother when DH was younger and how that has directly affected my DH as he is now.

Overall though, we all get along.

DH's siblings are younger then him, to where they are somewhat close in age to the skids.

Obviously my in-laws love the skids. They are family.

They also dont really know them. Or they dont see the side of the skids that I see.
