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The goings on in step land for Zero... no rest for the wicked ;-)

zerostepdrama's picture

DH and I went on vacation this past week. It was amazing. Weather was perfect. DH and I really enjoyed ourselves.

We even got to meet up with ipeed! Smile

No drama with skids and SILs. I actually felt really bonded with my SILs. It felt good. They didnt bring up or ask about skids at all. LOL.

BM did her usual: Call DH really early on the skids birthday (It was YSD16 birthday on Easter) and demand he call said child and then call him a POS. So that happened on Easter. She also sent some nasty texts before I was able to block her number. Then OSD22 also sent DH texts stating YSD was sad that DH didnt call YSD on her birthday. Ummm it's only 2pm by this time. Everyone chill the fuck out. DH told me that he already told YSD on Friday "Happy Birthday" now because I am going out of town, not sure what the schedule is, what phone reception is like. Let me tell you NOW, EARLY, and I will see you and take you out for your birthday when I get back. Still drama with it.

MSD called multiple times asking DH if he has found a bed for her. Guess she has moved out of her luxury apartment and has been living with BM. She sold her bed. She needs a new one. She asked DH if she could have our guest bedroom bed. DH told her "It doesn't work like that. You're an adult now." Which that felt good! She must have asked where is she supposed to sleep and DH said "I guess on the floor." She gets $700 a month in disability for her son, CS and supposedly works and is living with BM, she can afford a bed.

So MSD and baby is back with BM. SS21 is also living with BM as him and his GF broke up. He was over yesterday working on his car and told me he was waiting on this other girl to get home from college and he was going to go and live with her. I'm like Dude get your own place and be independent. W.T.F.

So BM, BM's husband, YSD16, MSD19, GB almost 2, SS21 are all living in a two bedroom apartment. I'm sure BM's new husband is loving that. LMAO.

BM has started a Go Fund Me account to pay for 2 front side teeth for YSD16 that never came in when she was younger (I guess?) and she has braces and that only made the gaps worse. Then she finds out that her insurance wont cover the teeth implants. She is asking for $11,000. Hard to imagine that it costs that much, but heck what do I know??? She has 1 update that YSD got her wisdom teeth removed to help with the implants. Oddly day that she got them removed is also the day that DH took her out to a movie. Hmmmmmm. She also has had 1 donor for $20 and that was OSD.

Looked at DH's CS payments, etc. Wanting to check to see if the IRS refund made it to CS so arrears can be paid off and we can be one step closer to being done with that bitch BM. The arrears amount went UP??? End of March it stated he owed $1600, not its saying $1779. How does that even happen?

I started doing some investigating. Went back and found the court payments stating he originally owed $9,391 for back CS just for SS from May 2012-Sept 2014. $626 for 1 kid per month, umm doesn't make sense but whatever. (may have to follow back up on that) But he had a credit from BM of $4135. So technically he owes $4406.

Well he has paid $3675 since Jan. 2014. So he really owes only like $730. So I sent an email off to CS. We shall see what they respond with.

Nothing with DH's CS ever makes sense with the arrears.

So step life has been peachy keen here Smile

2 more years.... just 2 more years.... then at least the CS issues will be done.

ETA: TWO bedroom not One bedroom.


zerostepdrama's picture

Sorry its a 2 bedroom. But its a small apartment.

I too am surprised that she didnt mention DH. LOL. I got a laugh out of her grammar errors and spelling errors. She did claim she works very hard to provide for her daughters braces. Umm you get $950 a month in CS, you should have most of that money already if you were smart about money. Idiot.

zerostepdrama's picture

Interest on the arrears??? I dont know... maybe... What happened is that BM had OSD and YSD. DH had SS. BM didnt pay DH any CS for SS. DH paid BM for CS for MSD and YSD but it was a lower amount since she didnt pay for SS.

When SS graduated in May 2012, BM or DH didnt get CS modified to account for SS dropping off. Really not sure why BM didnt because she could have been getting more money. Nothing was done for over a year. So that is why he owes arrears.

hereiam's picture

I am so glad that you had a good time and all went well.

So BM, BM's husband, YSD16, MSD19, GB almost 2, SS21 are all living in a one bedroom apartment. I'm sure BM's new husband is loving that.

BM's husband might be wanting to move in with you guys!

I still cannot wrap my head around this CS issue and the fact that no modification was ever sought, no new order for the higher amount, yet he is in arrears.

zerostepdrama's picture

Sorry its a 2 bedroom... I need to go back and fix that.

We have a ton of extra space at our house but I would never allow for the skids to live here. MSD is a thief and can't be trusted. SS is "okay" but he likes to party and have girls over. Not going to work. Plus he is an adult. I dont want another adult living in my house. I like my space and privacy, etc.

Yeah I was surprised he owed for the arrears. It should have been up to BM to file for the modification. Not DH's fault that she didn't.

He was only paying $141 a month for YSD and MSD. (Not a lot I will agree with that). But supposedly with SS dropping off now he owed BM $700 a month in CS for MSD and YSD. W.T.H. SS is worth that much???? Makes no freakin sense at all.

Jsmom's picture

My implant was 3K for the surgery and the implant. The crown was another 500. That was after all the insurance. But, a Gofundme account for teeth. That is tacky.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Is it just me or is that GOFUNDME shit tacky as fuck?
I would never in my right mind beg other people for fucking money. My dad always used to say "Go out into the world wearing a good pair of shoes, your clothes ironed and a good handbag/wallet. Even if you only have ONE dollar bill in that bag, nobody needs to know your business." My dad was a real snobby fellow and I think I took after him. I am broke as fuck, but you would never know by looking at me.

zerostepdrama's picture

Right! I would never put my business out there like that. I have too much pride.

I have seen friends set up funds for people for funerals, house burnt down, serious car accident, cancer treatment, etc. Those I am okay with.

For teeth issues... um no.

uselessknowledge's picture

Implants should cost about $3k each.

They won't do implants on a 16 year old. My kid knocked out his two front teeth and they are dead. If they fall out, they can't do implants until he is 18-20 and his jaw has finished growing/developing.