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zerostepdrama's picture

I am already dreading and regretting agreeing to do Xmas Eve dinner with the skids. The restaurant we picked out (because DH has gift cards) is actually a little more pricier then I thought. It's already going to be easily $250+. Okay we have gift cards for a little less then half that amount, so it shouldn't be to bad. But still, expensive.

Well DH just got off the phone and OSD is coming to town. Ugh! Bitch just lost her job. She just had her kid (16 months old) in the ER for a respiratory infection and she is driving 8+ hours? How and why? So that would be 2 more adults and 2 more babies. (She has a boy 16 months and a girl 2 months). No thank you!

And of fuckin course I haven't been back home in 6 months. For a lot of different reasons, but one of the main ones being every fuckin time I go home, the skids all of the sudden feel the need to stop by. And since DH is Disney Dad he doesn't watch MSD who is a KNOWN THIEF. Not to mention the skids then act like the house is their home since I'm not there. Really do they have radar? I dont ever mention it on social media or anything when I am going home. Yet somehow they have some fucking radar and find a reason to come. Even though they never come over any other time.

So not wanting the skids over and me admittedly wanting control over the situation- I haven't been traveling without DH. Like I am some crazy woman who wont leave her house because she needs to protect it. This is so sad.....

So anyways, of course the skids will all be over at the house while I am gone. WHY OH WHY cant I just go home for one weekend, visit with my friends and family and not have to worry about this?

I swear every year Christmas sucks. I have to worry about DH and his plans with his kids. I cant go back home because I need to make sure that BS can see his Dad on Christmas. Its so lonely and miserable. I thought the first Christmas when Ex and I split and I didnt have BS the whole day was the worse. WRONG- dealing with DH and his kids every year make it WORSE.

I am skipping the dinner with DH and skids and taking me and BS somewhere decent. Sadly I REALLY wanted to go to the location (outdoor mall) of the first restaurant because it will be decorated so nicely and BS and I havent had any time to do anything "Christmasey" this year. But I cant go to another restaurant and risk the chance of running into DH and the skids.

Ugh.... Bahhhh humbug!


hereiam's picture

First of all, you caught my attention with "profanity", however, there was not much of it. I can teach you how to really cuss. Smile

I don't blame you for not wanting to leave your house. I wouldn't leave my SD alone in my house for 5 minutes. She's never stolen from me but I'm afraid she would get quite nosy.

Do you think your DH calls them to come over when you are gone?

I'm glad you are skipping the dinner, that sounds awful!

zerostepdrama's picture

LOL- Oh I know how to cuss Wink I was trying to be polite though. Ha ha

I dont think DH calls them when I am gone. I have done some phone snooping in the past and havent been able to confirm that. LOL. I think they just have some freakin sensor like Hey Zero is out of town- lets go see Daadddddyyyy!

zerostepdrama's picture

The lock on my room where all my stuff is at is broke Sad

MSD will steal anything that she thinks would be of importance to me just to prove that she can and she did. She's a bitch like that. She will take a magnet off of my fridge if she thinks it means something to me.

zerostepdrama's picture

I need the gun closet to store all my shit. She will take clothes that arent even her size... just to prove that she can steal from me and get away with it.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yep prety much.

I have become so territorial over my house and everything in it. I HATE feeling like this but I know I cant trust MSD and I'm pretty sure I cant trust DH to do the right thing. He'd prefer to not deal with anything.

Glassslipper's picture

My husband would love one of those, we're in the process of adding a hidden room for one in our walk in closet...I never thought to ask the contractor to make it big enough for a skid or

zerostepdrama's picture

That could always be your secret hideaway!

Dinner needs made! (Go hide in closet) LOL

hereiam's picture

A huge gun safe. That would be a great sell to someone with step kids, no crate needed. Are they sound proof, do ya know?

kathc's picture

That is my dream! We have some strategically placed through the house but one giant one would be nice, too, could keep everything (range bags, etc) in there as well!

zerostepdrama's picture

Normally I dont have to put up with the skids bothering me, but lately its been more then usual. And of course always around the holidays.

DH thinks because I dont really interact with the skids and they dont come over that often that I should just suck it up when they are here. Ummm no.