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Debbie Downer Here

zerostepdrama's picture

My Grandma is 87. About 2 years ago she broke her hip. Up until then she lived on her own before having to go to the nursing home. She went to the casino, went to play Bingo, stayed up late playing cards and ended her night with a half of beer or glass of wine.

She is getting ready to pass away soon. She has been going downhill since she broke her hip.

I saw her last weekend (we live 2 1/2 hours away) and she wasn't doing well at all. Hopsice is now being called in as she has a fever, they cant get her oxygen levels up and they want her to be more comfortable.

I just ask for prayers, positive vibes, good thoughts for her during this time. I believe in the power of people coming together through prayer or just thougths.

She is an incredible woman. Giving, loving, funny, kind. She deserves to be comfortable.

Her and I are really close. I can say without judgement that I am the favorite grandchild Wink and my BS LOVES this woman. The 3 of us are 3 peas in a pod.

So I'm sitting here at work and trying to hold it together. I want to scream and bawl my eyes out. But at the same time she hasnt been healthy and she hasnt been doing well and she hasnt been happy. I just want peace for her- however that may be. She deserves that.

Thank you for letting me type this out... and listening....


svillemomof4's picture

Cry all you want, honey! I pray that God takes all her pain away so that whatever time she has left is peaceful. I also pray that you find peace at some point and time. Keep remembering all of the wonderful things about her and be greatful for the time you've had. I'm so sorry you have to go through this!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

((hugs)) that's a heartbreaking thing to go through. sounds like she's had a wonderful, long life full of love.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Prayers coming your way!! My gramma is 87 and broke her hip too. I' m sorry you're going through this .

zerostepdrama's picture

Thank you everyone for thinking of me and her and our family.

Her fever actually went down, which is good Smile But she is still getting ready to pass soon. As my mom explained it could be days or months. Hospice will be there to make sure she is comfortable and give her the extra care.


zerostepdrama's picture

Thank you everyone who responded on this.

My Grandma passed away yesterday morning around 3am. Hospice nurse said she went peacefully.

It hasnt fully processed for me. But I also think I came to terms with it when she began hospice care.
