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Benefits of MSD having her own apartment

zerostepdrama's picture

Something to celebrate!

Since MSD has her own apartment, DH can just go there and visit her. There is no reason for her to come over to the house and visit (since the tension is so bad when she is there anyways)when DH can just go there!

And if I am really lucky DH will also visit YSD there as well. A 2 for 1.

It may be too good to be true... but its possible that I may never have to see the skids in my home again. **please please please let this be true**

DH was talking to SS on the phone last night. (SS needed something, the only reason why he called DH). He was sitting beside me on the couch, so I overheard some of their conversation. What I got from it was that SS was maybe going to move in with MSD into her 1 bedroom apartment.

That he was going to try to get on the lease as well????

Okay I see where this is going... SS likes to party. MSD is supposedly going to be going to college and has a baby. I dont forsee this as going well.

I guess SS and his GF are on the outs. He is a jumper. Jumps from one girl to the next because he needs a place to stay. So it only makes sense that since MSD has a place now, that he will try to get in with MSD at her place.

DH also said how he needs to help guide SS into getting a real job. (Meaning a full time stable job). How he also needs to find MSD a better paying job.

Why DH why do you think YOU have to find your GROWN kids jobs? Glad to see though he is finally "stepping up" to being a parent.

On a side note I feel that MSD and her apartment is going to be like a mistress. Now that DH doesnt have to worry about visiting the kids in our home and the drama that comes with it or has to spend the money to take them to dinner and a movie, he can just go over to MSD's apartment.

He even has his own key Wink