Ok, whose man on here does "manscaping"? I just wonder cause I have to talk to my man about it every month, I mean I do keep my stuff together tight for you... so why shoudn't you and afterall, you were "manscaping" when we met, so what the hell...don't let the bush grow out and be all lazy and shit...
Oh, so he says I want you to do it for me...hello, you were taking care of "it" all on your own before! Seriously, is that my responsbility too?! LMAO
- zenjetset's blog
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LOL "Manscaping"
LOL "Manscaping" is..well...keeping the genital area trimmed and neat
ROFL! Now that is funny.
ROFL! Now that is funny. LOL... i cant stop laughing. Seriously, I refuse to take on my husbands grooming as one of my responsibilities around the house! omg lol. No... he cant do his own laundry or dishes but this is not a problem.
Yes, yes . He MUST mow his
Yes, yes . He MUST mow his own lawn!!!!!!
I've never understood why we
I've never understood why we women are "expected" to take care of the bush but it is ok for the man to have a jungle going on?
Do it yourself MR.!! LMAO!
My DH does his OWN
My DH does his OWN manscaping. And so should every other man out there!!!
lmao, ok so my fdh knows i
lmao, ok so my fdh knows i post here and he asked "honey, what did you post about manscaping...was that me?! (I know he is sweet, and funny and me...well I am just down right honest)!
So, I said yes! He said what did those "friends" say...I started to laught out loud as I read all the comments...
My FDH said he will take care of his junk and not have me did it for him...LOL
I said, you were doing it before me...he said yes...because I got lazy after I met you....PLEASE...if you have read my blogs you know I don't put up with that crap...LAZY>!>! really...
oh you guys are gonna love
oh you guys are gonna love this one....... dh waxes my bikini line for me..... i shave that other stuff...
dh has never manscaped per se, but he he must trim it up or has perfect growing pubic hairs..... i think he's scared to shave his balls... but i honestly don't put his balls in my mouth as much as i did in the beginning..... maybe tonight..... }:)
MAybe tonight...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the helll?! put those
what the helll?! put those mans balls in your mouth and then tell him it would be so much better for you if you didn't have hair between your teeth...or maybe just put his balls in your mouth...they love that...''
LMFAO!!!! Love It!!!
LMFAO!!!! Love It!!!
Isn't that called
Isn't that called tea-bagging? When you put his balls in your mouth?
Don't ask me why I'm so sure
Don't ask me why I'm so sure I know this but no, tea-bagging refers to when a guy intentionally hits someone in the face with their balls.
Close, though, in a way.
thanks for the
thanks for the clarification....hahahahahahahahahahahaha
I'm trying to imagine all the
I'm trying to imagine all the positions in which tea-bagging could occur! lol
I don't think I have laughed this hard in a while.
Amber: “Coach, my plastic
Amber: “Coach, my plastic surgeon says I can’t participate in any activity where balls fly at my face.”
Dionne: “There goes your social life.”
(from Clueless)
BAHAHA. That movie is so
BAHAHA. That movie is so cheesy but I admit to enjoying it nonetheless - although as a kid that joke flew right over my head everytime.
seriously, my FDH is a
seriously, my FDH is a wonferfule lover, but he let's himself go which really pisses me he manscape tonight and won't for another month or more if I don't remind him...but tonight...tonight I will be in heaven...:-)
Hey Zen, Throw him off by
Hey Zen, Throw him off by telling him you want to manscape him for one "old time sake" then shave your 1st initial. You guyz would laugh so hard! }:)
well, f'n skid just called
well, f'n skid just called and now i am PISSED off!! no tongueing those balls tonight!
nothing like a skid ruining a
nothing like a skid ruining a good time..... i bet dh doesn't even realize how much he misses out on b/c of them!!
You know I honestly don't
You know I honestly don't mind manscaping for my Hubby... although I will tongue his balls either way.
You have made me laugh very
}:) You have made me laugh very very hard today!!
Thank you!!
When did it become our jobs
When did it become our jobs to look after their "lawn"? Too funny.
If he fails to maintain, you should either refuse to maintain your own just to see how he would like it (if you could, personally it would drive me crazy not to - I do it for myself as much as for FH) or refuse to engage in certain parts of sex until he clears you some room. Maybe both. I think your point would get across.
My SO has the most *perfect*
My SO has the most *perfect* body hair...
That is, virtually none on his arms or even under them, just a tiny smidge on his chest, but a thick head of long curly dark hair and lush, neat hair "down there" that grows perfectly without ever needing grooming at all.
SO is from Latin America and has indigenous blood. His skin is ridiculously gorgeous, and the perfect body hair pattern is genetic.
I know some women like hairy men, but I'm so *not* one of those. SO is perfect.
Except for one thing... this man who is virtually hairless in all the places you don't want hair has excessive hair in one spot - on his feet! It's like it all slid the hell down to the bottom. I tease him about it - he doesn't mind. First of all he's so comfortable in his skin it's amazing (and how sexy is that?!), and secondly he feels the hair is masculine and appropriate.
Is it just too obvious that I'm head over heels about SO's looks? I got lucky in that regard. What a man - whooo! (wink)
Actually well, its not down
Actually well, its not down there but... LOL i cant believe im saying this dh will kill me if he ever reads this. DH is African American and American Indian, bout half and half ... my little causcasion brother has waaaay more facial hair at 13 than dh will ever have. But he just keeps trying. lol omg its so funny.. im such an awful person for saying this but it is so freaking funny. He will let his five little curly hairs on his chin grow out like a half an inch and he's got peach fuzz that doesnt go past that on his upper lip omg... every time im in the shower with him i shave it. He gets soooo indignant. but he looks so much older with out the straggling please grow....please grow's on his chin LOL Im evil.. oh god.
Whatta coward!!! bahahaha
Whatta coward!!! bahahaha