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Previously, I posted about my 15 yo SD...I spoke to my mother (licensed therapist) about my stressors with this child and my mother informed me that my SD is being passive aggressive and is well aware of what she's not doing....this girl drags her feet, sassy, refuse to do chores, doesn't clean up behind herself, and constantly plays victim....literally do something unpleasant every day....she asked to go to the football game tomorrow I told her no and everything is no as long as she fails to do basic tasks....DH calls and told me she asked could she go to a football game and he's going to

Advice I’m between a rock and hard place

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I'm starting to be quite annoyed with my SD presence, she's only 15, and I feel like she's manipulative.  She reports everything to her mother and think somebody owe her something.  I'm starting to not like her as a person because of the ungrateful behavior.  Yet she's provided for in a manner that she has never experienced in her life.  She whines, doesn't want to clean up or be helpful, and it's exhausting.  How do you guys suggest I remain appropriate?