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Disgusting, BM and her family bullying SS

winnie's picture

SS came home last night very upset. The whole day, Bm and her family had been sending horrible, vicious texts to SS while he was in school. This was after SS was refusing to pick up their calls. I have no idea how they got his number. When SS decided he would not help his mom leech of the welfare system using his daughter, the bitch BM got so mad at her OWN son that she recruited her family to bully him. This includes two aunts and five cousins. They even got our homephone number and called a few times. When we decided to not pick up, they left evil voicemails that unfortunately SS had to hear.

We ended unplugging the phone completely. One of SS's cousins tried to start something on facebook but SS quickly removed him from his contact list. SS finally ended up crying after a point. And he would not even let his father comfort him. This boy has the worst mother in the world. One of the most evilest thing she said was "Your father raped me. That's how you were born. I wish I aborted you. You are the biggest mistake of my life". SS was born 4 years into the marriage and they stayed married after that so SS knows she is bullshitting. But I cant imagine what it must feel like to hear that from your own mother. And this cow knows her son was taking anti-depressants for a while a year back. We are trying to convince SS to stay with us but this bitch is making it impossible. SS looked tired today when he left, he probably couldnt sleep properly. I am definitely going to tell him to get a restraining order. I have been swearing at bm under my breath the whole morning. I hate that BITCH!


winnie's picture

I was never able to have children and it hurts me everyday. I get so angry at mothers who take their children for granted. I would have given anything for a son. She treated SS horribly and really made him very guarded. He is very distant with everyone in his life. It breaks my husband's heart because SS refuses to treat his father with love, like he used to.

winnie's picture

SS will turn 18 in a few weeks. He has a 14 month old baby but is really trying to make a better life for him and his daughter. And he has been able to make very good money lately. unfortunately, SS goes to school in the city so he cant move out of state. He lives with us right now. He told us he wants to move to the city with the baby. We dont want him to. Especially me, I dont want to stop seeing my granddaughter. But now this crazy bitch is making it impossible to convince SS to stay with us. My husband is going to talk to his lawyer and see if we can do anything about this.