I am really upset
My husband called SS about his mother's CPS threat. There was some muffling and SS starts saying, What do I do? I don't know what to do. He was crying I was crying too because I felt so bad for him. I told him to call the people at CPS and ask them what to do. The bitch is so stupid she left a voicemail we can use as proof. SS said ok and hung up. My husband and I are really upset right now. I cannot even share any of this with anyone for support. All I have is this site. I still cannot believe a mother can be like this? HOW? I just cannot wrap my mind around it. I feel really bad for SS.
- winnie's blog
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This is awful that she would
This is awful that she would do this to her own child. Luckily you have the voicemail and you can connect cps with a preemptive strike so hopefully nothing will come from all of this except ruin her credibility with a goverment agency. Also maybe with this prove your SS could file harresment charges.
I hope so too
I hope so too
This BM is mentally ill !!!
This BM is mentally ill !!! If she were only bipolar, it would be easier to deal with, but this woman is clearly psychotic!
I've been following your blogs, and I'm so very sorry this is happenimg to your family.
your innocent grand-daughter is now becoming the target of this woman's delusions.
Is there a way that SS can prove his BM has a history of mental instability? That could help the harrassment case and file an RO at the same time?
Until now, we were worried
Until now, we were worried that getting an RO will just make things worse. But that hag has left us no choice. Both my husband and SS will be going to get a RO. We have not told SS but we fully intend to convince him.
Thank you allmitchell. The
Thank you allmitchell. The ex-wife put SS through hell as he was growing up. We strongly suspect she exposed him to abuse from one of her boyfriends. But SS will not tell us anything. CPS was called on HER! She is doing it completely out of spite. She tried to get government assistance for my granddaugfhter and when SS refused she went into a tizzy. She has said some of the cruellest things imaginable to SS. SS is an amazing father. Anyone to try and accuse him of anything else are just evil.
If it's any consolation, our
If it's any consolation, our BM IS a Child Protective Worker in her county and she filed a phoney abuse report, egged on the skids to lie against us, then used her "weight" as an employee there to run the report up the flagpole without us getting a findings report.
We live in one county over so she really pulled some strings on that one. Took me six months to get it overturned to "unfounded."
I told GG (biodad) if those skids come back (they've been PASed out between almost two years to over three years now; no visitation) and conspire again with their mother against us, they will be BANNED from my house (yes it's my house; I am not married to biodad and biodad couldn't afford a place of his own after CS sodomizes him sideways a.k.a. over half his net pay)
Luckily the ex-wife is a pice
Luckily the ex-wife is a pice of trash who has had at least two CPS visits done on HER. I pray that CPS realizes how crazy this woman is.