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Wicked2Three's Blog

Off topic - CAMPING! Suggestions?

Wicked2Three's picture

Hello everyone! This is off topic as we have had little drama this week. Well, let me rephrase drama that I have choosen to take part in. BM did have SS18 in the hospital overnight for 2 days last week. The kid has Mono. I had Mono when I was 16 and it was REALLY bad! Usually you have it for many many weeks and I had it for several months, but I never stayed in the hospital! Anyway, BM is a nurse at the hospital and had him stay on "her" floor AND she spent the 2 nights with him. GAG!

Friends Without Faces

Wicked2Three's picture

This poem was mentioned in another post. I went searching for it and thought everyone might like to see it again. Thanks CplStv for the reminder. Enjoy!

We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.

With our mouse we roam, through the rooms in a maze
Looking for something or someone, as we sit in a daze.

We chat with each other, we type all our woes
Small groups we do form, and gang up on our foes.

Some days it gets me through.

Wicked2Three's picture

Wow! I have really come to feel like you are all my friends. I have noticed that when someone posts about their hurt, disapointment and pain that I feel little twinges of pain for them. When I have a problem or need advice I may get a lot of responses or maybe just a few, but I always feel better when someone says "I feel your pain". Thank you all for that.

Just wondering what everyone else does.

Wicked2Three's picture

Early on in our relationship I requested (insisted) that DH reimburse BM for medical expenses and whatnot (extras) ONLY if she provided a receipt. I did this because I was able to prove that she was asking him for the full amount for the cost of a sporting event instead of his "half". I'm kind of curious what other things she might be trying to slip by us. Has anyone else had this experience?

I guess that's another good question...What have you told BM to pay for herself because it should be included in c/s?

I gave my SD11 independence

Wicked2Three's picture

I have blogged about my irritation with BM calling MY house everyday or night that the SK's are here. Originally my conclusion was to get a cell phone for her to call the kids so I could track the amount of calls coming and going. This is mostly an issue with the youngest SK because the older 2 have their own cell phones and are 16 and 18 so they are hardly ever home anyway. I kept talking myself out of it. I finally, after much arguing with myself, figured out the real reason and true benefit (in my mind) for getting her a phone.

Co-Parenting Software Programs?

Wicked2Three's picture

Has anyone used a software program designed for co-parenting? I'm pretty wicked with a spreadsheet but I know there are some programs out there that are already set up to keep track of visitation, contact, apponitments, c/s payments, journals.

Can anyone reccomend a program or something that has worked for them?

