Wicked stepmo.'s Blog
Was this handled appropriately
Or should SO have taken the higher ground?
YSD text him yesterday repeatedly after 3 weeks of BM taking her phone. He ignores her at first because he is still upset he didn't hear from her at all Father's Day and for how she has treated him.
Prior to her exit 2 months ago SO was told daily by YSD how she absolutely hates his guts, he is not her father and so on.
After leaving she refused visitation, counseling, basically any contact with him stating her reason being she will not see him until he takes the parental app off her phone.
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The Teflon Mom
So apparently BM who has a long standing history with CPS for her other children has been cleared of any wrong doing.
It seems that blantently ignoring a physicians mental health diagnosis for one child, not following through with the recommended medication management and counseling is not indicative of medical neglect.
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How big of a POS can BM possibly be!
So SO and I used to get upset with OSD because literally not even a month after buying her new clothes she would cry she didn't have anything to wear. We assumed she was leaving them at BMs so she could get more clothes from SO because BM only spends money on herself.
Well exBF recently told me that BM would take OSDs new clothes for herself and he used to get annoyed with her and say it's not SOs responsibility to provide her with clothes. He said he thought it was pretty scummy of her to steal from her own kid.
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What is he thinking?
I am often curious as to what goes in in SOs head sometimes and can only speculate. We recently had a conversation that was so out there in my mind I couldn't help but laugh.
I was talking to SO about my plans to purchase a second home soon to utilize as a camp. It has always been my dream and DS and I have some of the best memories together this town is our favorite place. I will be able to rent it when I am not there to make up for the added coat of ownership.
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I held my ground like a champ
Because YSD was texting SO and I BM took her phone away. SO has been upset he has no way to contact her. The one time he text BM about it she just talked in circles and gaslighted him, as to be expected.
He has been in contact with the counselor and workers and they have updated him on her. But SO became frustrated because they can't do anything to address the issue other than make suggestions.
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House of cards
Things have been good here. SO had a great session with the counselor. He still has a long ways to go to get out of BMs toxic cycle, but he is learning how to build better walls from the counselor and get over his feelings of guilt.
I'm starting to think BMs real motivation for keeping YSD is to have someone to take her frustrations out on. I realize that I have reached a point where I have seperated myself from the crazy because I am not effected by this.
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A different perspective
I spent the day with some girlfriends yesterday and we had some interesting conversations. One of my friends was raised by a very narcissistic mother and had some interesting perspectives.
We were talking about teenagers and how typically during the early teen years most kids don't want anything to do with thier parents and often find them embarrassing.
I laugh because I remember feeling this way and now DS is currently doing it to me. Recently we went to an event and he chose to sit at a table with one of my guy friends who is younger vs sitting with me.
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Any thoughts on this
I have been stalking BMs social media and YSDs phone app. Not because I care about them or what they do but for my own selfish reasons and to not have any surprises.
No one is sure what BMs motivation is for keeping YSD. She doesn't like her. She can't deal with her behavior. She isnt getting any money for her and she hasn't filed for anything.
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OMG I forgot what normal feels like
It's been 3 weeks since YSD PASd out and it's been absolute bliss.
Counseling has been great. BMs exBF and I text regularly sharing war stories we have our own little support group. It's been very therapeutic. Poor guy received the same exact treatment as I did.
SO has come around and is starting to become his old self. He has been a lot less moody and more focused on our relationship and the things he can control. He has mad the decision to not take legal action against BM for violating the court order and to let sleeping dogs lie.
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The learning curve
Only a few sessions if therapy and I am already gaining more insight into my situation and how I continue to repeat the same patterns over and over again.
Even though SO is not a narcissist like my ex I still end up drawn into the same unhealthy toxic relationship cycle, playing the same role.
It's a liberating feeling when you can finally identify why you are feeling the way you feel and to realize that you are not overreacting or crazy.
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