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My mom this my mom that

westst3bh's picture

We're all talking in the car my sd11 goes "mommy says you stopped partying when you were 26" then we're in the living room talking because my bf's dad was in the hospital with stomach issues. And my sd goes "mommy says you were like Im fine and then one night you got up in so much pain and had to go to the hospital, was I born yet?" She already constantly talks about mom which is fine but now she's starting to cross the line and go into when they used to be together and it's just super uncomfortable. Like you're too old for this why do you do it. I feel like she does it on purpose to make me feel out of place. My bf tries to just not pay much attention or mind to it and change the topic quick as he knows it is inappropriate but will not talk to her about it at all. Me and her barely have a relationship now because I just don't want to deal with the bs I have distanced myself.


JRI's picture

Do you think she is doing it to get a reaction from one of you?  I'd ignore, as much as possible.  It would bug me, too.  But I'm guessing the more you react, the more she might do it.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

YSD will talk incessantly about BM when she does any small insignificant thing for her or with her. I just use selective hearing and eventually she walks away. 

I don't comment and refuse to reinforce her excitement that BM spent a couple of hours with her 1x in 4 weeks and bought her some cheap bubble bath. 

tog redux's picture

Poor BM must still be pining away for your BF to be spending so much time talking about him to her! Or is she trying to make him look bad by bringing up his "partying" past?

It is normal for kids to want to hear about themselves as young children, or their parents when they were together, but it sounds like BM is the one driving all of this.  I'd ignore, or as someone else said, just say, "I'm not sure" or "I don't remember".

shamds's picture

Just nonsense mummy this and stepdaddy that and it was just blirted out seconds into them arriving in our car. They were conditioned to volunteer this info.

eventually i told my husband i was tired of this noose pollution and it needed to stop. Hubby finally grew the balls 1 yr later and told eldest sd who was 24 at the time that he was married to me, he does not care for their mother or have any concerns about her because she is married to their stepdad and they need to respect me as their dads wife and knock this crap off. That any talk of their mum was irrelevant and of no concern to him.

bam no contact for months...