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Busy and informative weekend at the WOB house - part 1

WalkOnBy's picture

lots went on this past weekend.....

First - an update to the death of Medusa's mom...

DH and Auntie Addict were texting each other all day on Friday. Turns out that Fran died probably sometime over the Labor Day weekend, best guess is Friday or Saturday the 2nd or 3rd. Medusa didn't find her until the following Thursday, the 7th! Auntie Addict got a text from Medusa telling her about the death (another family member had already gotten ahold of Auntie) and told her to come to MedusaTown on Friday, which she did. Obviously, because of the length of time that had passed, the funeral would need to be done very quickly.

Auntie does not have custody of her minor children, but has a decent amount of parenting time. Last Friday, the kids were supposed to come back to her, but obviously she couldn't take them because she had to be in MedusaTown. She gets along very well with their dad, so she told him what was going on and asked him to not tell the kids what was happening and why they had to stay at his house.

Auntie told DH that the funeral would be held Monday (today) and that they were going to bury Fran in a town not too far from our house, where apparently Fran's parents are buried...Auntie was not going to take her kids, because her minor kids have never met Fran, and her oldest child, who lives with his dad, had only met her once.

She and DH decided that none of the kids would be told until yesterday. She also told DH that she "barely spoke" to Medusa while the two of them were making the funeral arrangements with another family member. She said that she didn't like being around Medusa. DH and I believe that the two of them will likely mend their rift in the days to come, though, which will change things for DH and whether or not he will allow BabyVoice to spend time with her cousin, Laci, since a mend in the relationship between Auntie and Medusa would likely result in time being spent together and DH has decided that he can't/doesn't trust Auntie to keep BabyVoice away from Medusa.

Saturday afternoon, he called ASS and told him the news. ASS said that his memories of Fran were that she was always yelling at them and was mean. He then went on to say that in his opinion, Medusa, Fran and Medusa's dad (who the kids see frequently) are ALL THE SAME PERSON - MEAN AND UNTRUSTWORTHY ASSHOLES. DH was floored to hear this. More on that in a second.

DH then called KarateKid and BabyVoice in to his office and told them. KK said that Fran was always mean to them and then left the room. According to DH, BV sort of teared up and then said nothing. DH told them that he would take them to the cemetery in the next few weeks if they wanted to go. KK said he wasn't interested in going. BV said she might like to go.

DH told me later that night that he had more to tell me about the conversation he had with ASS. After DH told ASS about Fran's death, he asked him if he had had any contact from Medusa. ASS said that sometime last school year, she friended him on FB. He never responded. She discovered by checking out what groups he belonged to that he had joined a public group at his college for kids in his major. She requested to join the group and the kid who admins that group messaged her about why she wanted to join since she clearly wasn't a student at the college. She told this kid her version of events - that ASS was "taken by a corrupt judge and DH's lawyer" and she couldn't fight it because she was just a poor starving single mom, blah blah blah. She went on to tell this kid to give ASS her contact info and to tell him that she was trying to reach him.

Kid did just that and ASS sent her an email asking her why she was "stalking" him via FB. She told him that now that he "was free from DH and WOB" she wanted to have a relationship with him. He told her that he wasn't interested and that he wouldn't be until he graduated from college, if ever!!!!

More about the rest of the weekend's events in Part 2


Monchichi's picture

My shattered nerves! Has ASS had a secret lobotomy? Has he been abducted by aliens? W T ever loving cats whiskers has happened to that man/boy??

WalkOnBy's picture

I will be honest, I didn't think it would ever happen.

Nice to see that perhaps ASS is learning?

Acratopotes's picture

I am confused... Fran is not Dh's family why is he bothering to tell the kids,

Medusa should in form her children their Gran dies, and if she does not it's on her... why did people call DH, he divorced Medusa years ago and is not part of the family again, why is he even speaking to them??

WalkOnBy's picture

Well, as you remember, Medusa has no contact with the kids. DH and Auntie Addict (Medusa's sister, with whom she has had no contact in 10 years until the death of their mother) keep in touch because the skids and Auntie's kids are close.

The concern was that Auntie's kids, Laci in particular, would tell DH's kids, BabyVoice in particular.

Auntie called DH to fill him in because they are still close. When Auntie was about 16, DH and Medusa were her guardians, and Auntie kinda looks up to DH as a father figure, even though DH is only about 7 years older than her.

Acratopotes's picture


in DH's shoes, I would tell Auntie - tell your daughter to keep her trap shut, we are not interested Wink
(if only he could)

Regrading BV who might want to go, the answer would be NO, if one kid has not interest in going the other one can stay at home as well, it's not like BV grew up with Fran or anything... I would simply say NO it's not a social gathering it's a funeral.... and you hardly knew the woman ...

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh no, but BabyVoice, ASS and KarateKid DID grow up with Fran. Auntie's kids have no idea who Fran was, but my skids were practically raised by her, first when DH and Medusa were at work and then after DH left and Medusa was running the company into the ground.