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What WOB is thankful for this Thanksgiving...

WalkOnBy's picture

As the holiday draws closer, the following scene takes place in the WOB house on Saturday morning -

WOB - oh, hey, what are the ASS plans for Thanksgiving?

Mr. WOB - well, the last time I talked to him, he was going to go home with a kid from a class who lives local and commutes.

WOB - okay.

Sunday night -

Mr. WOB - oh, hey, forgot to tell you. It seems ASS is going to Frank's house for Thanksgiving (you guys remember who Frank is, the kid from MedusaTown whose mom let ASS live there over the summer).

WOB - oh, so now you have to go pick him up at ASS State and drive all the way to MedusaTown? And then home? That's gonna suck...

Mr. WOB - no, Frank's mom is going to go pick him up.

WOB - WOW, she is really nice. It's a huge haul from Frank State to ASS State and then back to MedusaTown. I assume you will meet her at Frank State on Sunday and take ASS back to ASS State??

Mr. WOB - nope, she taking him back, too.

this Thanksgiving, WOB is most thankful for Frank's mom Smile


thinkthrice's picture

YIKES!! If Frank's Mom finds out the REAL story, methinks she won't be so accommodating anymore. Unless, of course, she's a child worshipper and wouldn't believe you.

WalkOnBy's picture

she knows all about the story....she has encouraged ASS to accept responsibility for his actions and to apologize to me.

Of course, ASS won't submit to her authority, either Blum 3

thinkthrice's picture

YAY! I'm sure ASS has given Frank's mom a "tale of woe."

ASS: "WOB and DAD are ROTTEN and MEAN TO ME!!"
Frank's Mom: "You Pooooor COD!! I'll cart you back and forth"

WalkOnBy's picture

actually, no....she is constantly on him to grow up and to accept the consequences for his ASShole behavior.

She has been nothing but supportive of DH and me and our position on ASS.

WalkOnBy's picture

No, Frank goes to school where Thing2 does. It's about 45 minutes from MedusaTown. ASS goes to school about two hours past that!!??

BethAnne's picture

Did this story come from ass or Frank's mom? Is ass just saying that this is happening but is actually doing something else this thanksgiving?

WalkOnBy's picture

DH confirmed with Frank's mom because he was figuring that he would have to meet her somewhere to either drop off or pick up ASS.

robin333's picture

Frank's mom definitely deserves Godiva chocolates. Happy thanksgiving to you!