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Did you know kids shouldn't ask for suckers at banks ..

Wah-wah-11's picture

3 year old asked if he could get a sucker at the bank .. I said yes in just a min.. DH said you don't need one you're 3 years old now .. We aren't freaking bums .. I said you're right he's 3 and 3 year olds get suckers at banks without being bums ..


Glassslipper's picture

My husband has told me of places like that! I wish we had one too, on the way home, get some wine...oh that would be grand!

AllySkoo's picture

So... the lollipops are only for 2 year olds? 1 year old is too little (possibly to have a lolly at all, possibly to actually be able to ask, possibly both), 3 is too old - they need a sign "FOR TWO YEAR OLDS ONLY"!

DaizyDuke's picture

that is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have heard in a very long time :?

a 3 year old is a bum for asking for a sucker at the bank? I guess my dog is a bum then, because he looks for the dog biscuits at the bank too.

kathc's picture

If the kid was 12 and still asking for one, meh, whatever...but I'd be like "why the heck is that three year old NOT asking for one?" It's weird for them NOT to ask for one!

Ninji's picture

I can't even remember the last time I was in a bank. Biggrin

Kids love candy, Heck I love candy.

Did you husband intend on stopping and buying a sucker after the bank? Probably not. Smile

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What the frickinfrack?? My vet's office has suckers for the humans and it is usually an ADULT. Tell your DH "kiss my grits". LOL