Just wondering....
I hope nobody takes this as I'm a heartless b*
I'm not, I'm just wondering...
As a step parent do u ever think u r step kids r ugly or too fat or too skinny or goofy looking ??
Or just anything mean about their looks?
Or the thought I make prettier babies ??
- vsherry88's blog
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The only thing I've ever
The only thing I've ever thought about their looks is that it's good they look so much like their dad otherwise it might be questionable weather or not they were his.
I do I mean not as far as the
I do I mean not as far as the word ugly
Both SD's are attractive
I do think SD17 is the ugly duckling as compared to her sister. She isnt even in the same league as her.
SD17 is weird I say it all the time. Socially she is ackward, has no friends, thinks she us superior to kids her age. Is inmature, one minute she wants to be a rock star and pulls out her guitar she can barely play, the next she wants to be a journalist.
Her mother looks like a LL Bean catalog and so does SD17.
She is 5'1 and 98 lbs no chest no ass, she brings not a damn thing to the game.
Now her sister, quite a different story...
I think SD looks so stupid,
I think SD looks so stupid, she's ugly besides that I think she's annoying and cannot stand her. Lol
I kind of feel bad about it but f it Im not dating her and did fall in love w her
LOL - all the time! My BS9 is
LOL - all the time!
My BS9 is tall, very thin, athletic, smart, does well in school and never gets in trouble at school.
SS12 is short/stout, obese, very UNathletic, lazy as shit, I believe he does decent grade-wise so I've heard, but he just this past school year decided to call another student a "fag" because the kid "came out" and got in trouble for it.
Sooo yeah...all the time! LOL
I look at my dh and wonder wtf...his oldest(18) is tall, thin, athletic, very smart, really no trouble at all then theres skid...who looks like dh when I see them make certain facial expressions but bm was a cheating whore throughout their marriage so who knows!! I wish I could get a dna test on that brat and wish even more that if it wasn't dh's kid that I could have all CS terminiated asap! }:)
And yes, I know I could make better looking babies any day of the week...heck just about anyone could make a better looking baby than that brat! imho.
Omg I'm laughing so hard my
Omg I'm laughing so hard my tummy hurts!!!
Love the part "your kid makes me want to overdose on birth control "
Uhmmm...Hell yes. And I feel
Uhmmm...Hell yes. And I feel guilty everyday for thinking the way I do, but both SD14 and SD12 really got hit with the ugly stick.
SD14 has horrible acne and is about 50-75 pounds overweight. Complains about her weight all the time, but when I invite her to eat healthy and exercise with me she rolls her eyes. SD12 isn't as "bad" to look at, she still has that baby fat thing going on but has a darling face and a darling attitude to match.
I guess I compare which isn't fair. My BS19 is model like beautiful and all of his friends, girls, boys what have you are all lookers, so I am not used to this LOL...
All the time, sd she's a
All the time, sd she's a pretty little girl with a mouth and attitude that should be eating soap more than talking, but she's improved on the pouting to get out of trouble. Ss looks like his BM's newest boyfriend and he looks "slow", "not quite right" "post rehab meth addict" in general he looks like he's special needs only he smart no common sense not one lick, not but maybe a handful of impulse control, but he can score above average on standardized test for a kindergartener (which he was at the test time so that was normal) this is also the kid who told me he had super speed and eyes wide open head up ran as fast as he could face first into a huge tree we know he saw the tree you can't miss it biggest thing in my yard it's at least 10 feet around (I'm pretty sure BM dropped him, or was doing drugs well we know she was smoking pot). Thankfully I know I made awesome cute, intelligent, normal (heck I give thanks my teens have been so easy) babies (they are so not babies anymore but they are my babies)
Yes- my ss is 15 years old
Yes- my ss is 15 years old and he could easily pass for 10. I'm not joking. My 11 year old dd who is average in height and slender is bigger than he is. I am not sure he has grown at all in the past 5 years or so. Last summer he was wearing a pair of size 4/5 toddler/children's shorts around. I truly think there is something wrong with him as he eats obsessively massive amounts of food. Like his nutrients are not getting absorbed or something like that?
Aside from that he has platinum blonde hair- which is super odd since no one else has anything like it. He is very pale. When he was young and just looked slightly smaller than the other kids and would get a little sun he could be kinda cute. Now, he smells bad, has acne, and apparently doesn't go outdoors.
All of my skids are pretty
All of my skids are pretty good looking. So that is good there. But I do sometimes look at their pics on FB, Instragram, etc and just see ugly because of how they are dressed, or posing or just seeing the attitude they have.
I want to barf if I see one more selfie of YSD14.
I look sadly at SS19 who could have done so much more with his life and see him just wasting it away. I think he is stupid in that aspect.
OMG, one of the skids looks
OMG, one of the skids looks nothing like DH but does look like one of the guys she was screwing.
Skids are not outwardly
Skids are not outwardly unattractive, but their personalities make them that way. Seriously self absorbed.
LOL Seeing ass crack
Seeing ass crack reminded me of Swamp in court last time with her ass crack hanging out. Just gross :sick:
It's more their attitudes
It's more their attitudes than anything else. It doesn't help that out of the 4 skids (all adults) only one is fairly attractive. Even if the other 3 put more effort in their apperance, it could possibly improve...but they don't have a lot to work with to start. The 3 I'm mentioning have HORRIBLE hygiene and super nasty personalities :sick:
Of these 3, SD is so big that she has to sit with her legs wide open and her belly comes out to about mid-thigh when she sits. Her hair is long and stringy and with loads split ends. She sounds like a hoarse man when she talks and every other word for some reason has to be a cuss word.
MSS is about 5'8", super skinny and wears his hair the same way as his sister, except SD hair comes to about her shoulders where as MSS hair goes past his butt. He also has the most scraggly discusting beard and mustache.
YSS is overweight, still plays video games day in & out (while he's supposedly trying to work really hard on getting a job) and even though he is diabetic, eats whatever, whenever he wants. If anyone tries to talk to him out of concern for his health, he goes off on them. He figured he could just take his insulin when his blood glucose level was high. We found out that he is now very likely going to have to start dialysis treatment.
Mini Swamp (SD14) is an
Mini Swamp (SD14) is an attractive girl but her attitude, behavior, bullying and lying make her ugly as hell. And just like Swamp Hole she's into the boys. My guess is she will be manipulating them like dear 'ol Swamp.
Skid13 has Asperger's, ADHD and high cholesterol. He's getting heavier and heavier. My adult bio's think he looks pasty colored and is just blowing up. Very, very lazy.
Skid 12 is a good looking kid and athletic. He's getting too thin. He grew a few inches and lost 4 lbs from last year. Swamp and the crew are very much into calling everyone fat so I'm not surprised he isn't internalizing it.
They're :? all f'd up
I think that my SD12 is
I think that my SD12 is overweight all the time. I feel guilty about it, but I feel strongly that the reason she is overweight is because she does nothing. She tries and sometimes succeeds in eating as much as her father, drinks soda more then she should, anytime we try to get her involved with doing exercise we hear nothing but complaining.
It's a pet peeve of mine how a lot of kids are not active these days, but they eat a lot. Usually horribly. Of course, I can't really say anything. 1. I don't want to give her a complex, and 2. I've never had to struggle with my weight, so even when I give good advice on eating, it's not taken very easily because I've never been there. (got my metabolism from my dad, which i will forever be grateful for)
SD12 isn't ugly though, just a tomboy, which works for me.
Everytime I see her, I say to
Everytime I see her, I say to myself....you are so ugly and overweight. Keep stuffing your face and you'll do great in life.
And she looks just like her ugly mother. Who can't keep a man for the life of her.