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Missing visitation again.

violetforest's picture

Well I hope this showes the GAL what is really going on. SS13 has now missed another visit. My H talked to the GAL today and she told him and his mother that SS13 needs to be coming for his visits and if not she was preparted to have him removed or put into foster placement as a consequence. SS13 gave the GAL this week this whole sob story about how he "supposedly" does not like me and that I am mean and abusive but could not give her one example. We know it is his mother per the therapists (5 total) that have been working with. Tonight ss13 keeps texting his BD that he does not want to see him and calling him names. Classic PAS. ss13 wont call to leave a message or talk to BD on the phone. We have not spoken to him for almost 6 months and BM refuses to respond to BD's request for communication on the topic. She is breaking the court order and refuses to take him to the court ordered therapist. Per the GAL ss13 didnt say anything about not wanting to see BD only that he was not wanting to see me. Now tonight he is refusing to go to dinner with his BD. I hope that court will help at the end of the month but each time we have gotten dragged into court before by her the judge has gone easy on her. Slaps her hand and tells her not to do it again, gets her to agree to drive, stop, interferring ect. Has even found her in contempt 3 seperate times but no fines, payment of GAL fees etc. Slap on the wrist. I'm finding it hard to have faith in the system after 5 years of non-stop court issues.


herewegoagain's picture

We gave up...good luck...DH finally realized if crazy daughter can only text when she wants money, but never answers his calls, he's not going to play that game. Any text she sends will be "call me or tell your mother to call me"...if she won't then see ya!