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how do I dissengage further?

vgill's picture

I tell him to get up that's it, I never make his lunch anymore but I did today so he wouldn't be late. HE has an alarm clock but won't get up when it goes off anyway, got that for him 2 years ago! It is too far for him to walk to school (25 miles) so I can't even make him walk if he misses the bus! We both work so we can't leave him home alone or he would just sit and watch T.V all day, then he would miss the bus everyday! I don't do his laundy I don't clean his room, I don't even set a plate at the table for him anymore as he always tells me how supper sucks and he won't eat that garbage!!! he wont eat anything unless it's junk food, I have even stopped bringing groceries home because he'll just sit and eat Icecream and stuff before we get home, I just bring home what we are having for supper. Sometimes I find myself thinging of new ways to do things that don't include him. Even Dh and I have started staying at work longer with the other children so we don't have to go home and deal with this kid, in fact DH starts getting ill on his way home because of what this kid is going to start when he gets there. I mean we close the shop at 6 and we haven't been getting home untill after 8 and it's only a 20 min drive, we have even been doing some visiting after we close so we can do it without him as he will throw tantrums even at someoone else's house very embarrasing, we usually end up having to leave to deal with him! I have tried tuning him out but I am only human and there is only soo much I can take!


Denial's picture

Have you ever taken SS to a counselor/mental health professional to try to see if anyone can get to the bottom of his issues?

Selkie's picture

You tell DH that you will no longer let this kid's behaviour bother you and that you expect him to man up and parent this boy before he's driven to an early grave.