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used up 29's Blog

your her what?????

used up 29's picture

so after all the drama of my step daughter{ whom i raised forever and truly love as my own} she went to bm for the summer and now that its nearing time to come back she has told bm shes not happy here, i beat her and she doesnt want to come back. there has never been a custody battle she is 15 and we have 6 kids in all and i really dont want to hog tie her to bring her back. i dont even think we can. why would she lie on me like that? she hates our rules we r a strict family with good values and bm lets boys stay the night and is just trash.

broken hearted

used up 29's picture

well once again we had a war in this house yesterday with my sd15 whom i have raised as my own chid since she was 5. she has been very bad for a long time boy crazy talkin bad refusing to follow rules. to make a LOOOONNNGGG story short this time she was caught stealing money $60 from my purse over a course of a couple months so that she could put it down on a 70 dollar year book at school. we told her a few months back we didnt have the money to buy yearbooks his year times r tough.

mean stepdaughter or overreacting step mother

used up 29's picture

I am brand new to this sight. I welcome any input and advice. im 29 my husband is 35. we have 4 children together and he has 3 from another marriage and one that he had in his teens. he is a hard worker and loving. my step daughters have lived with us since they were 4 and 5 now are 14 and 15. i do not call them my step daughters i refer to them as my daughters.the 2 boys live with their moms. so we have 6 kids here at home. anyhow my oldest daughter has been bumping heads with me for a few years now.