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Unfreakingreal's Blog

DH and BM's conversation yesterday….

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As I mentioned to you all before, SD14 asked DH and I, if she could move in with us. DH, of course, is all for it. He feels that SD would have a better shot at a future if she was with us. He's right, but I'm not so sure if it will really end well. Even so, I support whatever he wants to do as far as his child is concerned (within reason). Same way he has supported me and mine.

An étiquette blog got me thinking...

Unfreakingreal's picture

Another poster was talking about wedding etiquette and I didn't want to highjack her blog. I have found that proper etiquette has all but been lost lately. People don't believe in saying thank you for a gift received. They don't reciprocate kindness, they show up at your house for a dinner party empty handed. All so incredibly rude to me. I wouldn't be caught DEAD showing up at someones home without a gift for the hostess. A bottle of wine, a fresh pack of flowers, a scented candle, a dessert. ANYTHING!

Discussed expectations with DH about SD14...

Unfreakingreal's picture

Had a long convo with DH yesterday about SD14 and the possibility of her moving in with us.
I told him about her texts Tuesday night and how she wanted to come over because BM wouldn't let her hang out.
He laughed but I didn't think it was funny.
I took the opportunity to spell out a few things for him because I need him to know right off the bat how I feel about the situation.

SD14 and what awaits my future…I'm actually scared...

Unfreakingreal's picture

10pm, SD14 is sending multiple texts to DH, who has been sleeping since 8pm because he gets up for work at 1:30am.
I am in the guest room watching tv (we don't have a tv in our bedroom) and I am browsing Pinterest for nursery ideas on the iPad. SDs texts are popping up on the iPad, because the 2 devices are linked.
So I pick up my phone and decide to text SD back. Convo went like this:
Me: You know your dad goes to sleep at 8pm, what's going on & why are you texting at this time?
SD: forgot.
Me: Ok what's up, what's going on.

And now let me rant about BS26...

Unfreakingreal's picture

BS26, my middle child, is a really nice young man. Served his country, went to war, received Honorable Discharge with various awards and completed his 8 year contract with the US ARMY.
Very respectful young man, never been in trouble with the law, doesn't do drugs, isn't a big drinker. Works 6 days a week, sometimes 12 hour days. Doesn't make a lot of money because he gets paid by the job and not the hour. He installs satellite dishes for a cable company. He took his civil service test and is praying he gets a job as a police officer, as that is his career of choice.

BM sending DH texts about SS22...

Unfreakingreal's picture

For those of you that think that these crazy BMs go away after the Skids are grown, think again.
BM just sent DH a text yesterday telling him that the insurance policy that he holds for SS22 does not cover dental or eyeglass benefits and that he needs to do something about it. She also told DH that SS22 needs a physical because he gets a lot of headaches.

LMFAO…. Hmmmm, bitch the kid is 22, has a job, a full grown beard and does NOT need his MOMMY calling his DADDY about his doctor appointments or lack thereof.

I seriously will never understand.
Rant over.
