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Not my fault I get to enjoy my weekend!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So this weekend ss has some school events going on. We don't live in the same town as him, but both our families do. Anyway, instead of missing visitation or having ss miss those non-mandatory vents, he decided to play nice dad. We knew before school started about this weekend and dh told ss about a month ago that he would get him to this activities and they'd just stay the weekend with mil. I never had any intentions on going with dh. So 2 weeks ago I told dh the kids and I weren't going. Honestly, I just didn't want to go. If we were to go my kids wouldn't get back home Sunday til way after bedtime so we just weren't going to make a trip out there. Not to mention we all need a break from ss. So the kids and I have made plans here- movie night, order pizza, just hanging out.

Today at lunch I invited dh to lunch with me and our ds. He said he had to pack. That was fine, granted he knew he was leaving today and had all week to pack, but whatever. So instead ds and I picked up lunch and took some home to dh. Right away I could see he was in a bad mood. Well, now he doesn't want to go and stay there. He's taking it out on me and being moody. I asked him what was wrong. Nothing. He finally said he just didn't want to go. His entire weekend will be all about spoiled ss and dh is dreading it. I said, "sorry, you made a promise to him so you need to keep it. I told you to find out if it was mandatory for him to be there before you made plans." See, bm said ss HAD to be there. I figured she was lying and told dh to call the school, fin out who his teachers were and see if he HAD to be there for any classes. Never did. Instead he just told ss he'd get him there. Last week he found out nothing was mandatory. But since he repeatedly told ss he'd take him, he's stuck. It will be a long weekend for him!

Oh well, not my fault I get to enjoy my weekend!! No SS!!! Happy Friday all!


MaGoose2010's picture

As I see it...DH dug his own grave here!!! You enjoy your weekend gal!!! Have a glass of wine on me!

Happy Friday to you too!


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Yep! And I'm SO glad I won't be there to experience it! Not only is it school events but a town event so bm will prob be there too. Have fun dh!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Come on over! Only now we're watching kid movies. But hey, better than having to deal with ss. I cleaned our house and am not cooking this weekend. We went to the store and got some junk food and snacks and are basically having a weekend long sleepover!