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I agree its DH's fault too

twinstep's picture

Thanks all of your posts, many of you are not the first ones to say its DH not helping the situation. This man is so in denial sometimes I think to myself is this man really this oblivious.For example I found a 3pack of condoms in her book bag with one missing and when I told him his response was maybe she gave one to someone, which may be true but I doubt it, I am amazed at some of his ridiculous responses. As if no no not my daughter(s) We are going back into counseling next week and the problem is he will turn this all around on me I know he will. God forbid it be HIS parenting skills. And I have told him that I blame him for not stepping up to the plate as far as respect, rules, chores etc. He tries of course after I throw a fit, they are 17 for gods sake,so he made a list of weekly chores for them, posted it in their bathroom but never sticks to it or enforces it. Drives me insane.

And it infuriates me. At first I thought ok maybe its hard for him because its a father-daughter thing but now I think they are making a fool of him and he allows it. And I am always the bad guy. And since my realtionship with both girls in so strained its impossible for me to control my temper sometimes.

Yesterday they had no school so her father told me she would be hanging out at a friends house, so at 8:20 am (a bit early ya think) she leaves the house on her bike and I see her go in the direction of the friends house, so I hop in my car and drive down to the friends(because I dont trust her) nope not there, so I continue to drive and see her on the main road so I pull up to her and say does your father know your are going to BF's house she said no she was meeting the friend at Burger King, again its 8:20am. So I call DH and tell him the story and he just blows it off but calls her on her cell phone then calls me back to tell me that he asked her if she was going to see the BF, she said they were going to a friends to go swimming and he "might" show up, we dont like him. Which he did tell her she needs to be up front because it looks like she is lying, which she always does. Whatever right, a couple hours later I hear her twin upstairs screaming on her phone, so I go upstairs and ask her whats wrong and she tells me that her sister is at the lake with the BF and another friend of theirs and wanted to know if she was coming, which she had no idea they had any of this planned, so she was ticked. So again I call DH and tell him where she is and that BF is there and he then tell me that he knew they may be going to the lake!!! Communication is not our strong point, I cant wait to hear what the counselor has to say about this. We are never on the same page and we never agree on parenting.

So I do my good deed and drive her sister to the lake with her bike in the back in my car. Now the kicker is the friend she was suppose to meet was not there! The little b*** had this planned all along. So I tell DH but he never bothers to ask.....see my dilemma.


unknown's picture

how stupidly naive and oblivious these bio parents are when it comes to their own kids. they are doing NO ONE any favours by letting them get away with all this shit.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I do see a big, whopping dilemma for your husband if he doesn't get control of his daughters, though. They are his responsibility. I wouldn't have followed the first one and I wouldn't have driven the second one. Just sit yourself back, have a glass of wine, pop yourself some popcorn and watch it happen like you would watch a movie. If DH starts bitching about his daughters, then you say, "Oh, that's too bad. What are you going to do about it?" If the daughters come to you for anything, you say, "Go talk to your father." Helping and supporting is our role. Trying to be an authoritarian is an impossible task when the child's own parent(s) won't support you. Stop wasting time on them and spend some on yourself and your marriage, because then you'll know your efforts are appreciated.



debiamia's picture

It is tempting to catch SD in a lie. My SD17 has been a liar since she could talk. Unfortunately DH won't face the truth unless he catches her himself and does the disciplining. My DH refused to believe that SD17 wasn't going to school, doing her homework, chores, etc. If I told him he said I was exagerating, ----well, she is now two years behind graduating from high school, sexually active using no birth control, lives with her BF20 and now wants to move home with BM again. The school told him facts and he had to believe it but when I presented the facts he was a doubting Thomas.Let him find out himself and be glad she is 17 and will be gone soon. The more you point out SD's short comings the more he will fight with you.

Georgie Girl's picture

if you try to make Dh see what his daughter is doing. Parents can be oblivious and if he chooses to ignore her behavior no amount of proof that you have will make a difference because he will continue to see what he wants to and justify all of sd's actions. And trust me, she is well aware of this and will use it to her advantage. You will ALWAYS be the bad guy and even if your intentions are good you will STILL be in the wrong in their eyes. I have first hand experience with this.

I understand that you want to be a good parent and support him and it is commendable, but this is his problem and he has to wake up to what she is doing. Sadly, you cannot make him do this. You have to let him deal with his daughters.

I know it is frustrating, but like Anne said, you cannot be the authoritarian if he won't support you. It just doesn't work.

I would get my glass of wine, find a peaceful place and detach!!

Georgie Smile