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ttina's Blog

Not a step parent issue... just a vent

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I am so pissed I can't stand it. Yesterday it hit me. I am having to use my CREDIT CARD to buy gas. I HATE using my credit card. All because ex hasn't paid support. We were supposed to go to court on the 13th. but it was postponed until 6/10. I was hoping to get some money this month. Ex only pays when he is in front of the judge. It is so frustrating. Ex is taking son to the coast this weekend... but hasn't paid anything in support since the last time we were in court.

Hate... an easy thing to say... a hard thing to understand

ttina's picture

I have a hard time relating to parents who "hate" their kids. I read some of these posts and think... that isn't hate... it's frustration... or jealousy... or desperation... or ... or ...or. The thing is while you may hate the behavior, do you really hate the child? There was a time in my bioson's life where I didn't really like him... he was obstinant and contrary, but he was a child/early teen and this behavior is age appropriate, although it is not tolerated in our home.