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What the H**LL am I the only freaking one with some brains! Obviously so,,,,GRRRRRRR!

tryingtomakeit's picture

So my lazy ass step daugther is at it again. The past couple of weeks my sd has been mentioning that her phone is giving her issues. (Well, if I stayed on mine as much as she did hers then I can see why.)

Well yesterday, the ex and sd call dear old dad and want the sd to be moved over to our plan so she can get a new phone.

I stepped in and asked if her phone is giving her issues and the ex has insurance on it, why is she not just paying the $100.00 deductible and get the insurance phone. Of course, everyone was like well thats an option. I was like, NO-NO that not AN option that THE option.

Well after the sd cried to daddy and the grandmother on the mother side called and talked to him (SHe needs to just rot becasue I think this was planned) My husband started feeling guilty and began talking to me about how we could get her an i-phone. This is when I WENT OFF!

I told my husband that he could get his daugther an i-phone. but go ahead and take me off the plan because I would pay my own bill. I am tired of paying the bill every month for the 23 yr old kid who is worthless and I wasnt going to get stuck paying for the spoiled brat 15 year olds phone. He didnt know what to say.

This phone issue should NOT have been made an issue. If she dont like it becasue its not an i-phone. Who thankful you even have a phone. She needs a good slap in the face and that wouls straigten her little attuide up real quick!


Jmom's picture

I say DH should kick her off the plan and get her a GO Phone and he can help her pay for that from there. Sure it's no I-Phone . . HE, HE, HE. I think when you want I-Phones and crap you need to be able to pay for it on your own. As long as I am footing the bill you'll go with what I say. If you don't like it get your own plan.

imthewife's picture

An iPhone for a 23 year old? Absolutely NOT. I completely agree with you this was planned.

I made a HUGE mistake and put SD19 on my plan when she came to live with us full time for high school. She pitched a FIT when she didn't like the phones that were offered FREE for her to join MY plan. I told her to shut it and be thankful.

Now at 19, her plan is up and I am NOT getting her a new phone which would mean a 2 yr contract again. I am considering making her pay her portion, too. She is also unhappy that she has limits now because she was getting carried away.

There is NO WAY any 23 year old should be calling daddy for a phone!

tryingtomakeit's picture

Let me clear this up. The I phone is for the 14 YR old almost 15! Not for the 23 yr old. Personally, I think the 23 yr old needs to be paying for his own bills, but for some reason that is un heard of in my husband ears.

Biomomof2's picture

My so has his 22 yr old on his plan. Here is the difference, she lives on the other side of the country, is working and trying to make a life of her own. That should be the guidelines for dad to do this.