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Struggling with bio dad

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I'm a bit unsure of how to proceed. My ex has recently come back into my 7yr olds life after having hardly anything to do with him til last yr. I am a great believer that every child has the right to a relationship with both parents (unless abuse is involved) so I agreed to let him have contact. He has turned up EOW and does pay a very small amount of maintenance.
Our son has been having a bit of trouble with what he describes as a bully at school. I have been into school to talk to his teacher about it and he assured me that there isnt a problem. He has been keeping an eye on the situation and reporting back to me. He says they are friends one minute, arguing the next, then friends again. Not bullying just silly boys being silly boys. I was happy with this so left it in the hands of the school and thought my son would tell me if any more probs.
I then get a random email from my ex saying hes had to take matters into his own hands because my parenting is 'ineffective' he phoned the head teacher (bear in mind he has never had any contact with the school before) and caused hell over 'his son being bullied'
I feel so embarrased!! I went in to talk to the headteacher who said he understands its not me making a fuss and that he thinks its surprising that a dad they have never seen wants to act like the protective alpha male all of a sudden.
I am so angry, who the hell does he think he is!!! he thinks he can just turn up and go over my head? I kno he has legal rights but come on!!
Any body else in a similar position. Should I leave it or tear him a new one?