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troubledstepdadnc's Blog

It's Not Worth It

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So it's been a while since I posted on here. Not much has changed. I'm basically targeting this blog entry towards any men who might be contemplating marrying a woman who has a child/children from a previous marriage. My advice to you: RUN. Run as far away as you can. Avoid this situation at all costs. It's not worth it. The woman may be the most wonderful woman in the world, but the kid(s) will wreck your relationship. All a step-father is is basically a source of support for the kid(s). You pay for the kid(s) and get very little if anything in return.

Being a Stepfather Sucks

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My wife and I have been married for a little over 6 years. I met her when we were 30 years old and her daughter was 13 (she had her daughter young). I knew going into the relationship that it was going to be a rough trip with her daughter as her daughter made it clear that she didn't want me around. My wife and I dated for a year and a half and got married. While things have gotten somewhat better since my wife and I got married, my step-daughter is still lazy, irresponsible, and narcissistic. Lately, I feel like all I'm good for around my house is my paycheck.