HELP - I'm going crazy!
I'm new to this site and really need some advice. My husband has an adult son (25) who is the most irresponsible person I've ever met. He has worked with his dad for most of his life but somehow, my husband and I still support him. He lives in a free house with his fiance' and their daughter (another due any time) and only has to pay utilities, cell phone and food (they have food stamps). We are constantly giving them money, fixing vehicles,they move in and out of our house, he's constantly going to Court for one thing or another (usually because he didn't handle his business the first time), and he generally has an entitlement attitude about everything! To top it off, his 1/2 brother (his "mother's" from another husband) lives with us, too. This kid (20) is not required by my husband to pay us rent, works with him, as well (and gets a pay check), borrows my car or his truck (somehow he can't afford his own), eats my food, uses my elec and water and, if not at work, sleeps all day long and all night long. This has been going on for years with the step son and about a year with the brother. I'm sick of dealing with these grown kids and whenever I try to bring it up, my husband and I get in a huge fight. We have even separated over this kid and his "issues". I even have a lien on my house where my husband, without telling me, cosigned for a duplex for him and he and his roommate destroyed it! I have had to quit work and turn down other job opportunities because I am so stressed out (I've had two heart attacks before age 50). This kid cannot function in the real world and I'm sick of dealing with it. My question is, am I wrong for feeling this way? I feel guilty, but at the same time, it's far time he grew up! We have no savings because we give everything to this kid and I feel like my two younger kids (15 and 11) are suffering and doing without to cater to my SS. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you
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Until YOU quit bailing him
Until YOU quit bailing him out and giving him money, allowing him to move in and out, fixing his vehicle, etc - he'll continue to take advantage of you.
You and your husband need to stop! He's an adult right? Adults take care of themselves, right? Why is this such a difficult concept?
I don't see it as difficult
I don't see it as difficult concept at all - it's getting HIM to agree that it's not a difficult concept is the battle. Guess I just wanted validation that I'm not the crazy one!
Oh you're definitely not the
Oh you're definitely not the crazy one as far as the concept is - but you ARE crazy for putting up with it and allowing it to continue!
I definitely realize that
I definitely realize that RedWingsFan. It's one of those situations where HE controls all the money and since the SS works with him, he can give him $$$$ anytime and I won't find out about it until later, if ever! I feel really guilty because I've tried to like the SS, but I just do not! BTW! Who takes in their Ex-Wife's kid, too???? I feel like my life is spirally out of control fast and I've lost all hopes of having the nice, quiet little life I worked so hard for all these years!
Look, I was in the same kind
Look, I was in the same kind of situation a few years ago. My husband controlled everything. The money, my life, everything. It drove my only daughter to her dad's and I lost custody of her due to this man.
I had to break free of that before I was able to see how much he really did control me and my life. No one should have control like that. A marriage is an EQUAL partnership.
You need to get yourself free from this situation if he's not willing to relinquish control. Why does he control all the money?
He says that he makes it and
He says that he makes it and it's not my business how much he makes - he gives me money for the bills and that's all that should matter. He does, however, when we can afford it, let me have money to "do whatever" with. Backstory: I got laid off from my job in August and we(he) decided that it would be best for me to stay home (which I love - but I also love to work) with our two youngest and be here for the grand kids.
it's not your business? YOU
it's not your business? YOU are his WIFE! Clearly the man is living in the 50's. Woman, you stay home with the kids and I will go make the money and give you handouts to buy things like groceries and stuff...BULLSHIT.
I'm not trying to be a bitch here. But if YOU aren't happy with this arrangement, YOU need to do something about it. Speaking from someone who was in a similar (but even more abusive) situation for far too long and having got out of it - life is SO much better when you are in control of your own and have an equal partnership.
Sorry about you losing your job, but the youngest kids are 11 and 15 right? They can take care of themselves. As far as the grandchildren, they're not YOURS to raise. They have parents right?
If I were you, I'd be out looking for a job, opening MY own bank account and looking for ways to get the fuck out of that "marriage". HE is the only one benefiting from it!
Seriously been considering
Seriously been considering that for some time! Just afraid, I guess.
I was afraid too but you know
I was afraid too but you know what? I made it and am happier than ever! Ask anyone here, they'll tell you what I had to go through. It wasn't easy and I don't wish it upon anyone, but no one deserves the treatment you're getting.
Words to ponder - thanks
Words to ponder - thanks RedWingsFan! Alot to think about
If I can help ONE woman in
If I can help ONE woman in this lifetime, it's worth sharing my hardships. You deserve better honey, trust me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Fight or no fight, marriage
Fight or no fight, marriage or no marriage - THAT needs to stop.
WOW thanks folks! You have
WOW thanks folks! You have no idea how these few minutes have eased my mind! Wish I had found this site earlier!
No you're not crazy for
No you're not crazy for knowing that this behaviour from your DH and the other 2 adult males in your home in not normal.
Are your two kids from your current husband?
The 15 yr old has been with
The 15 yr old has been with him since he was 15 mos old - his dad left us when he was 10 mos old and the 11 yr old is ours together. The whole thing just makes me feel like I'm nothing - my two younger kids are great - considering it all. I try to do stuff with them just by ourselves. I also have two older kids - a son 26 (married with a son) and a daughter 28 (who lives on her own ---now -- she was almost as bad but seems to be getting her life together - I had to kick her out and tell her she could never live with us again and have cut her off ) My oldest son is very responsible! Thank God!!!
he needs to do to his son
he needs to do to his son what you did to your daughter. Maybe not 'to', but 'for'. Your daughter is better off now and becoming independent, and his son needs to do the same thing. Your DH is totally to blame here, most kids would live off their parents if they were alowed, if they were not brought to be independent. Everyone should be able to take care of themselves, as we see on this site all the time, you never know when you will need to take care of yourself.