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TM9366's Blog

It's the least you could do

TM9366's picture

UGH, if I hear this statement one more time, I'm gonna choke my husband. Since I've been out of commission for the last week due to a bad back, DH has been helping out a bit more (which I've welcomed). But had I known it was gonna be used against me later, I'd said no thanks for his help. So tonight, he does his and SS laundry, then takes it out of the dryer an leaves it on the couch. I said they'll get wrinkled, that he should at least lay them out so not to wrinkle them. He said, well I did the laundry, figured the least you could do was do that for me.

Not so happy Spring Break 2016 with SS

TM9366's picture

So with no discussion from my husband on this, he's decided he wants his son all of his spring break. He's on his way back know from picking him up now (2.5 hours away). Yay me! NOT. Here's the good part, husband is working all week, my son will be in school all week (his spring break is different than ss), and I'm dealing with a bad back and barely getting around. Sure...I totally don't mind ss being here all week!?! Ugh. WTH? Don't I have a say in this at all??

Here's to my SS11 his majesty

TM9366's picture

I need to figure out what my ss11 is doing so well that he doesn't have any chores on the weekends when he's here; so that I can do the same thing and not have chores either. Geez. Two Fridays ago when he was here, I asked him to unload what he could/knew from the dishwasher (no big deal right?) Well then instead my husband gets up and starts unloading it for him. I asked him what he was doing. He said he doesn't feel that his son should have to do much when he's here since he didn't contribute to the dirty dishes or make any of the messes. WOW, really?

It's amazing I even try anymore

TM9366's picture

Yep, today is Valentine's Day. I leave a red bag filled with a card, valentine tic tacs and a candy bar in my SS11's room this morning. My husband said he got something from the Valentine fairy, really? He knows who it's from. All day, no acknowledgement from SS11 about it, or that he opened it, liked it, thank you, etc. Nothing.

As a Stepmom, am I responsible to watch my stepson while my husband is at work?

TM9366's picture

My husband may have to work 6 weeks this time offshore (4 weeks over), he said during the 2 weeks he's suppose to have his son, that I need to go get him and keep him for him while he's working. Uhm No. I said it's not my kid or my responsibility. He's accusing me of being selfish and not a team player. We just had his son (my ss) all of June (2 weeks more than paperwork cause my husband was off all month). His son lives w/his mom 3 hours away and she doesn't like me or her ex and bitches all the time.
