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Stressed out Step Mom

TiredandStressed's picture

I've got to vent or explode. I've been with my partner for almost 4 years now. I have 3 Bio Sons, all grown. And my partner has 4 bio kids ages 10,8 and 6yr old twins (my steps). We have no kids together. Since meeting him and eventually the kids, I have felt like they lack discipline. The 10 yr old still sucks her fingers, will NOT move off the sofa unless I force her to go outside, where she'll just go sit in the swing and not do anything. She's a good kid just extremely lazy. The 8yr is a smart mouth, attitude rolled up in a million mile an hour talker. She NEVER shuts up! The twins are a boy and a girl. The girl is actually the "good" kid at the moment, and the little boy is a cry baby,who is scared of his own shadow, rocks constantly and hums to himself. The BM supposedly has had him tested but swears there's nothing wrong with him. She recently had the 10yr old, who's LAZY, put on Concerta for her ADHD!! But has done nothing to help her son. We get the SK's EVERY weekend. From the time I get off work at 5pm on Friday until we take them to the BM's 7pm on Sunday. I work FT all week long and am to the point of calling off my relationship with my partner because I don't want to spend every single weekend with HIS kids. At the BM's house the kids are left to do as they please. They tear up everything, draw and write on the walls and furniture. Eat whatever they want when they want and no one ever disciplines them. I've tried to put my foot down and have rules and consequences in our house but the kids act like they don't have to mind me. They all fight constantly and lie, the 8yr old has been caught stealing on several occasions. I'm so tired of cooking for them, cleaning up after them, doing their laundry, being asked a million questions all weekend long that by Sunday night I want to drive by the BM's house and toss them out the window without stopping! My partner doesn't like to discipline the kids, he doesn't want to be the bad guy, so the kids have learned that they don't have to listen to him because he wont do anything he threatens. It feels like he always leaves it to me to do everything for them including discipline (time outs are all I'm allowed to do), which worked fine 4 years ago but not now! I feel guilty for not wanting to be around his kids because I do love them, I just don't like them! How do I approach the subject without him feeling like I hate his kids. But I need a BREAK before I break!!!


moeilijk's picture


What happens if you just stop all the things you do for your skids and your partner?

I think you'd have a lot more time and money and peace. But maybe you're afraid your partner will leave you if you don't slave for his kids and let them walk all over you?

hereiam's picture

You lost me when I read that your kids are grown but he has 4 (FOUR) young kids.

And then something about; lazy, sucking fingers, and smart mouth. Just no.

Last In Line's picture

NO effing way would I get in that mess. That's starting over with young kids who are either feral, delayed, mentally ill, or some combo of the three. Every. Weekend. No way. Being alone with a large stash of toys and batteries (Amazon has great deals on batteries, delivered straight to your door, even on Sunday!) would be FAR better than the unending crazytown you described.

There is a better situation out there. Promise.

TiredandStressed's picture


Thank you! I've read your response 4 times now and I'm asking myself all of your questions. I guess it's time to cut my apron strings and grow a back bone.

Happyme3's picture

You my dear are dealing with a Passive parenting (BM and your partner). Passive parents do not expect their kids to grow up and they seem more like friends rather than parents. Because there is no structure, they tend to have problems with the law and self-control. I have dealt with this and it is a sh*t situation. The Skids will resent you and that can be good or bad. Good thing is that your bio kids are all grown up because they would end up resenting you. talk to your partner tell him he in a nice non confrontational way that he is actually enabling his children and causing them to have a life full of struggles seriously you can look it up in Google under passive parenting. If your partner does not care, than why should you? You could get a break, but this situation will never change unless the partner changes and becomes a parent. The SKIDS will just become worse over time and you will lose your patience and blow up in the hell that the BM and the partner made.