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Ding Dong.....

Tin Can Zen's picture

.....the BM is dead.

She was horrible for her entire adult life and left a lot of mess behind for others to settle.

My husband has had an immediate improvement in a lot of his health issues, likely from the eradication of deep seated injustice and stress. The purging of old stories about how horrific she treated him seem to be slowing, and I expect those wounds are finally scarring over. She was such a manipulative, drug-addled parasite on every person or institution with which she came into contact.

His grown offspring (six, aged 48-36 currently) are coming around like deprived cockroaches, demanding, Demanding! good 'ol dad hoist himself onto the failed family whipping post so they can take another crack at his broken heart. She could have been one of the original authors of that parental alienation handbook all these Skids live by. He claims to have set them all straight. I don't know as those conversations happen out of ershot of my peace and home. He hasn't attempted any kind of request for me to participte in any aspect of this time with them. Smart. Fellow.

There is no place in my in-person life where I can vent or even ruminate on this. Without sullying my best self too much by being catty, I woud just like to say that I never saw any beauty, kindness, resourcefulness, or wisdom in that woman, nor in any of the seriously dysfunctional spawn she leaves behind. 

The best thing about her is that her humanity is completed and the star stuff she was made from can go shine in a better repurposing of matter and energy. Her legacy is garbage, lies and ruin. 


Elea's picture

I'm happy we're here to listen to the load off of BM on you and your husband's life. I used to wonder what it would feel like for BM to be "repurposed." At this point, I think damage she did is done so there would be no meaningful change in our lives. Sdiablas are grown now and would continue to be the she devils that they are.

Rags's picture

Congratulations to you and DH.  Hopefully he can put her polluted genes in their place by keeping his Kidults fully informed on how horrendous she was and challenging them to be better people and make better lives and legacies for themselves.

Hey, wishes can happen. Maybe.

Take care of you, take care of each other. Live your best lives together. Enjoy living well and living that revenge for her to sniff as you tread on her less than stellar waste.



JRI's picture

When our BM died, the SKs wanted us to come to the viewing so we went, my weirdest event ever.  I kept a low profile, sat in the back, talked to the gkids.  But, I couldn't help, as we were leaving, taking a good look to make sure she was REALLY dead.

One granddaughter later asked me about DH's response to BM:s death.  I'm sure she was still in grief and wanted to hear how devastated he was.  I mumbled something but the truth is he had never talked about her for years.

CLove's picture

Im sorry you had to live through that.

Skids will be skids, hopefully they will grow and learn and be better.

In the meantime, offload as much or as little as you like.

Ive fantazied about this happening, but I dont think it would affect us much and I know that Husband would not go to any services...

Rags's picture

As far as I know, my XMIL still walks the earth as well.  

I have long held a fantasy of pissing on the SpermGrandHag's coffin as it is lowered into the dirt.  What will happen in reality is that DW and I will be at our son's side at any  SpermClan funeral.  No matter how much I detest them. Il be present, at my son's side, and 

I would consider going to my XIL's funerals.  Not out of any contempt or even any respect. I do not respect them.  Though I did marry their daughter who sadly did not fall far from her character bankrupt federal felon convict embezzler of a mother and that crook family tree. I do not have any logical reason for that other than until my serially adulterous XW filed for divorce and the marriage unraveled.  XMIL was caught and convicted 22yrs after the divorce and after she was arrested by the FBI as she and the rest of the IL clan walked out of the final settlement hearing when the owner of the business she worked for sued the whole family.  The IL clan was ordered to pay the business owner $Millions.

Before all of that, when they were my ILs, both MIL and FIL were accepting of me. Though they were complicit in the bullshit their daughter perpetrated in our marriage. XW would leave me messages on our answering machine that she was at her parents and if I wanted dinner to come there.  Nope, I never crumbled to that crap. I told her I was eating at home and would see her when she got home. Which usually was the next evening. When she went to mommy's and daddy's house for dinner, she stayed at mommy's and daddy's house.  Supposedly some times for days.  Though my hindsight guess is, those were bullshit and she was at some bang buddy's house instead at my XIL's.

Not sure why I entertain any presence at memorial services for any flavor of shit people.

Harry's picture

Play head games.  You wish it would just be a happy family for the time you see them.  You try to understand'''''WHY''' SK think like they do. Instead of trying to be a family, they want to cause dysfunction.  
'DH has to see what's going on, He made a decision years ago, that can't be change . He wanted to move on with you, bringing you into his family dysfunction.  It's up to him to solve this. Abd it's a challenge.