Sex talks, Corporal Punishment, Ready to run away.
BM still does EOWE with my 2 SD's. She does not ask for extra time and does not make an effort for extra time... no communication, no phone calls not even does she financially support them..
Yesterday was a day like any other... I had just finished feeding all 4 of the kids and cleaning up my home... i walk into my daughter and stepdaughters room where my 3 year old son is also playing... SD 7 is on the bed under the blanket I lift it up to find her with her pants and panties down, her dolls clothes pulled up and of course I start screaming asking her what the he** she is doing.. and before SD can respond... my daughter 6 says "shes having sex with her doll mommy"
I seen red, but also heartbreak at the same time... how my SD is so informed... how my 6 year old knows what shes doing I jerked her off of the bed and made her put her clothes on and she sat her a** in timeout most of the afternoon. I left my Husband to deal with the kids while i took a much needed evening alone.
when i returned home I had to give my 6 year old daughter the talk... in the best way that i knew she would understand things and then i sat down with SD .. She told me that she has seen her mother and boyfriend in the act often.. I said while your visiting her??? she told me yes. I said well has anyone talked to you there after you had seen this? and of course she says no
I said well how long have you known what sex was in that way? she said a while.
There is nothing we can do about the BM and the way she chooses to live her life and be a crappy mother. Believe me weve tried many times in court to take away the limited visitation she does get.
I am just so overwhelmed as a mother let alone being a full time mother to my stepchildren... no help.
Have any of you gone through something similar?
I know kids today are learning quicker, and a lot earlier than what my generation did but cmon people 6 and 7!?
I've always been the careful mom too... I don't even let them watch PG 13 unsupervised, and for what.. this...
- Tigerlily7's blog
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6 does not seem unusually young for this.
I was about 5 or 6 when the little girls I spent time with were having my GI Joe dolls have sex with their Barbi dolls. That not infrequently led to show me yours and I'll show you mine. They were my age or a year or two older.
Be careful how you act over this. It can have life long impact.
I kind of agree with Rags.
I kind of agree with Rags. Sex at that age doesn't mean the same as it does to adults or teens. It's still just an action and exploration of the human body. The implications of what sex is and its purpose aren't behind what is being played out (usually).
That said, your SD is witnessing things she shouldn't. It's one thing for a kid to accidentally walk in on their parents getting it on. It's wholly another when the act is taking place in front of them frequently. Honestly, I think this would warrant a call to CPS. SD is being exposed to sexual behaviors and I'd be worried that she is also being involved in them. Either SD is sneaking in and BM is clueless that SD is there OR BM knows SD is there and lets her watch (which likely also means BF knows she is there and letting her watch). THAT is child sexual abuse. THAT should raise a million red flags.
So call CPS. Not because SD was caught playing sex - kids do that, and they masturbate, and as adults we need to have discussions about when and where those things happen, etc. Do it because SD is confessing something alarming, and SD may be a victim of sexual abuse but not know it (or not know how to express it). At the very least, CPS should be telling BM to put a lock on her door and use it. At worst, SD is being abused and CPS can help her get away from her abusers and find help.
I absolutely would call CPS.
I absolutely would call CPS. Children witnessing adults' sex acts is sexual abuse (I'm not talking about a kid walking in on their parents on accident, that's a different thing).
That being said, what Rags said is very true. Your reaction to this can have a lifelong impact. I'm not faulting you for being shocked and upset and reacting emotionally in the heat of the moment. Totally understandable! But please know that masturbation is developmentally appropriate in children as young as preschool age. Of course at that point it should just be an instinctual thing and not that they really have a visualization of why masturbating feels good. And they have to be taught discretion. But it IS a natural thing.
I'm sure you don't want your children to forever associate sex with shame and secrecy. I get it. I grew up in a home where I was literally never told anything because my parents were so uncomfortable with the topic due to their religious backgrounds. When I say that I went to college not knowing how sex worked but knowing that whatever it was, that it was "sinful", I am not exaggerating. This led to me being abused and caused so much heartache for me that at 40 years old I'm really just recently healed from it after a lot of therapy.
I've taken the opposite approach with my DD in that I will answer anything she asks and sometimes more with factual information. Even though it makes me super uncomfortable, we talk about sex openly and honestly. We also talk about how it's not a topic that is appropriate to discuss outside our immediate family because we want to respect what other parents choose to tell their children. DD is 8 and she has no shame or fear around talking to me about anything. It's like discussing the weather to her. And I know that she is educated enough to understand what appropriate boundaries are and what to do if someone violates her boundaries. Not only that, but she's empowered with the right language to tell me right away if someone hurts her. I can't tell you how much peace of mind this has given me.
This has been a great resource for giving me the right words and the confidence to talk to DD openly. I don't necessarily agree with all of their religious stuff, but their approach is a whole is really great and easily modified if you want to exclude the religion:
Agree with all the above
Agree with all the above advice. While I'm sure you didn't intend it, you humilated your SD7 for doing something that is normal for kids who haven't been abused or exposed to sex at an early age. I taught my kids that curiosity is normal, but needs to be done IN PRIVATE - and wash your hands.
The other piece is that your SD7 has been exposed to sexual behavior between her mother and the boyfriend. Statistically speaking, children in homes where a single mother brings in a boyfriend OR has a boyfriend living with her, are more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than children in intact homes (with two bio parents). I think the risk increases 20x with a live-in boyfriend.
I would surely have CPS look into the situation but ONLY due to the admitted exposure to adults having sex. Child masturbation is NOT a reason to call CPS by itself and surely not a reason to punish or shame a child.
Hot triggering topic
Hun please call CPS, like now. No more thinking about it. The longer you wait the more damage can be done.
You need to protect your bios and SD. Otherwise these poor children will be scarred for life.
The act with the doll is a classic sign of way more than curiosity.
Lady err on the side of caution. Young children are involved and its your obligation to protect them.
I agree with those that said
I agree with those that said to call CPS. This is more than "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" or learning body's. This is extreme.
Yes, call CPS.
I did not make that clear in my response above.
Self touch is absolutely normal in the mid single digit age range +\-. Dealing with it calmly while establishing guidance of when, where and what is appropriate at that age is part of parenting.
If this little girl is being groomed or inappropriately exposed to sexual concepts that are excessive, by all means get CPS involved.
I doubt
CPS will do anything bc it is the sainted BM that's the perp. Now if it were SM and biodad, it would be guilty until proven innocent, both of you would lose custody and be thrown in jail. Call me cynical.
I think CPS would launch in
I think CPS would launch in investigation, but I could see things getting twisted if BM decides to claim SD learned these behaviors at the OP's house and from OP's children. OP if you suspect SA could be happening to SD then by all means call CPS, get her in to her pediatrician, do everything you can to protect her. But if this is just SD learning about her body and all of that then it's time for an honest talk about the right time and the right place.
I feel like a terrible Mother
I feel like a terrible Mother for the way that I reacted. It was just alarming and all I seen was red when I witnessed this.
I was sexually abused by a sibling when I was a child. I know that touching yourself/masturbating body exploration is all totally normal but to walk in a 7 year old in the manner that she was in and what she was doing... shes had to been exposed or had knowledge of this visually right? Without her admitting that she seen the bm and bf in the act on numerous occasions...
Like i didn't know what "sex" actually was until i sat and watched a porno with my abuser. I was 9 and then i become sexually permiscuous.
I am so terrified for my other children...
DH took BM to court over SD saying she had been around the BF she was not supposed to be around but the judge dismissed it because of lack of evidence, he said husband had to have some sort of proof that the bf was around the children other than just their word.
Its really a big mess...
Believe me I wanted to call CPS but like some of you have said here it could just be turned/spinned around on DH.
all the more reason I am so overwhelmed.
Dh wanted to go to where BM was staying yesterday and confront her and her bf but I had to stop him. I told him it would only hurt the kids and possible result in him losing custody.
its a sick/double edged sword people.
You are not a terrible mother and did nothing wrong.
I understand your reaction.
Deep breaths, reset, and take care of these kids.
More importantly, take care of yourself.
I am sorry you experienced a sexual predator as a child.
Please consider getting some professional help for your SD.
Please consider getting some professinal help for your SD. I understand that you were shocked by what you saw, but putting her in a time out for the afternoon was not fair to the child. She had no idea that she was doing something worthy of a punishment. The fact that she is using a doll indicates to me that there is a good possibility she has been abused. If you won't call CPS, consider having her evaluated by a professional to see if she has been abused.
I understand your concern about your DH, but this is something that needs to be directly dealt with in order to protect the child.
Get her evaluated by a professional and THEY will be obligated to report. The judge can't just just poo poo what they say and I believe it will be more difficult for bm to try and bounce it back at you.
Thank you for the advice, I
Thank you for the advice, I will make her an appointment tomorrow morning. We currently have the 9 year old SD in therapy and shes doing really well with it; they even come to her and talk with her at school. I really wish DH would have just went ahead and put SD 7 in counselling as well long ago.
Make sure it is a therapist who specializes in child
Make sure it is a therapist who specializes in childhood sexual abuse. If they do determine she has been abused, and they questioned her correctly, it can be used against whoever did it to her if it comes to that.
Please be aware that child
Please be aware that child therapists are mandatory reporters. If SD7 brings up any indication of inappropriate shenanigans at BM's house, the therapist is required to report it.
And it looks better for you and your DH if you DO take her to a therapist and this stuff gets reported. If you were the perpetrators, you would hardly report yourselves.
I agree with the other
I agree with the other posters. It's not unusual for kids to masturbate, be curious about sex, etc., but that she is walking in and witnessing her mother doing this? Multiple times? OMG. Time to notify the authorities.
I feel like your reaction to the situation was not unusual given that you experienced abuse yourself - I'm so so sorry you went through that and now this. I think the initial freak out was warranted. Be kind to yourself.
I think counseling for SD 7 would be a good idea at this point. And I think it was absolutely responsible of you to stop DH from confronting BM. This would lead to more problems that would also affect the kids. Get a counselor involved, let them do the dirty work. I wouldn't say a word to BM about what her daughter was doing and what she said.
I cringe to think about parents like BM who are oblivious about their parenting responsibilities. How about engaging in sexual activity with the door locked and after kids are in bed? It almost sounds like BM only cares about herself.
Please take care of yourself and know we are all here for you.