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SD16 taking naked selfies while I'm watching her kid!

TickedOff's picture

I'm in a highly pissed off state right now. I have the day off. So I thought id be nice and watch after step grandson. Give SD16 a chance to sleep in and have a day to herself. I walk up to her room to get a pack of wipes for step grand. Her door was so I thought I would tiptoe in and queitly grab the wipes not to disturb her rest. I push the door open slighty. This chick posing in the bed almost completly nude snaping pics on her phone. I went off! I slammed the door shut and told her get her ass dressed and meet me downstairs.

She wants to come down with an attitude. Telling me to mind my buisness. I should just barge into her room. Excuse me until you pay some damn bills every room in this house is mines. Step to me like you got some sense. I asked her why she is taking pictures of herself like that. She tried saying they where just for her. I wasn't born last night. Let me see your phone then. She didn't want to hand it over. She broke down and told me it was for a guy she liked.

I gave her the respect your body speech. I've been going through a lot lately. I'm emotionally drained and I do not have the time to be dealing with her. She begged me not to tell DH but he is the only one that can get through to her.

What is she trying for kid number two now? She needs to focus on her son and school not some honry little boy. I'm so pissed. Thought venting it out would hlp. Nope still pissed. Does she ever freaking think !


evilstepmotherJ's picture

Not to mention, a 16 year old sending nudies could be considered distributing child porn. Wow, what is wrong with kids these days.

TickedOff's picture

She just finished summer school. Usually she would be the one waking up with her kid and struggling to be s green mom. With minimal help from DH and I but a place to live, food to eat and a part time job at DH's shop. The other sweet of grandparents have been very helpful holding there son accountable and providing child care. I thought age had learned. I just tried to do something nice today. Bite me in the ass.

JingerVZ's picture

And if she sends it, the whole world may see it because these things are forwarded onwards and stuck on who knows what websites.

Time someone has a talk to this kid about self respect.

TickedOff's picture

Uh she got an earful on self respect. when DH gets home I know he has a few things to say. It won't be pretty.

zerostepdrama's picture

She has some time off and this is what she is doing? Uggghhh doesnt she have any respect for herself?

MSD17 had her baby 3 months early. And she barely ate the whole time she was pregnant. :? She never really looked pregnant.

My niece told me after she had the baby MSD had posted all these pics of herself on IG, half dressed "Me after having a baby, dont I look good?"

Okay first off you have a premature baby in the NICU, shouldn't that be your focus and not posting pics of your baby on IG?

AND.... you were hardly pregnant... you were pregnant for 6 months... of course you look "good" after having the baby compared to women who carry a baby full term.

oneoffour's picture

Ah naked selfies = distributing child porn even if it is of yourself.

If a manchild only wants to see you naked just wear a paperbag over your head because he doesn't care about anything else.

I would only babysit while she is in school. Everything else is so over. Sympathy so she gets to sleep in? You are too kind. She got herself into this situation so those days are over. If she doesn't like it, put the baby up for adoption so you can carry on your selfish little teen life.

She doesn't get privacy until she pays for it.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Definately some self esteem issues. Maybe DH can focus on that side of things. She's doing what she thinks she needs to do to get this guy to like her. Instead of finding someone who will like her for who she is.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I don't even know what to say here. I'm sorry you all are dealing with this. That is just a hot mess. Its nice that she can live with you all.

jstorie's picture

I don't know what to tell you~ You are strong! thats for sure! I would def. tell her dad what happens later when he finds out you knew? If you pay her cell phone bill I would take that dumb thing! I have a 14 year old sd that lives with us and she acts the same way but we just put her on bc.