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thinkthrice's Blog

Christmas Tree Wars

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I've finally finished up the rental single family house which was a total massive project.  I'm exhausted from it all and with Awesomeson away and AwesomeDIL/DGD not coming over for xmas I figured instead of getting a fresh tree, Id pick up a 9 footer artificial one (we have high ceilings) from craigslist.  It should be noted that I do all the decorating and tree care.  Chef just drags it in the house then sets it in the stand.

Last Friggin' Month of CS

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I'm sure it will drag on endlessly.  Chef doesn't have a W2 job and works for himself so I send an auto payment from the biz acct directly to Chef's account which in turn generates an auto pymt to NYS CSEU.  The HousesHitter will turn 21 in one more month, the last of the 3 ferals.

I have the payment stopping after 1/4/24, the last of which is prorated for the partial week that he is still 20.

As luck would have it, our Obamacare premium will be doubling at the same time so you can't win for losing. 

Kes Update

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Wondering how Kes is getting along with the constant backsliding of her DH in the face of his now adult mini spouses (the madams)?   I know recently ot was touch and go for her.

Another Night Terror!

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Not sure if it's because it is the USA's Thanksgiving or Chef doing all this free work for his brother Mr not so neutral with no anticipation of them rebuilding his antique truck in view as a ( very lopsided) exchange, but I had a night terror in which Chef reunited with his oldest two, namely OSS Pumpkinhead (27) and SD(25) the Animal Torturer.    The HousesHitter YSS ( on the precipice of 21)  was nowhere in sight probably because he would have been in jail by then.

O/T Holidays when Overseas in the Military

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Question:  are you allowed to send Christmas presents to military stationed overseas during their deployment?  And if so I'm thinking you want to send something small so that you don't burden the military personnel having to haul it back home.   Awesomeson is in Saudi Arabia, which is a primarily Muslim country.   He has already warned me about sending items related to religion especially Christendom.  

Any gift I sent him though would not be religiously themed.

Thanksgiving Day Debacle Update

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As I anticipated,  AwesomeDIL bowed out of coming to our house for Thanksgiving which is completely reasonable.  As we all know Chef has never been reasonable.  He does not know yet that she is not coming.

This really takes a load off of me that she is not coming...I will be at her house Tuesday through Wednesday noon as I have appointments on Monday for my car and Wednesday afternoon for Chef's work van. 

Holidays Can Be A Pain

thinkthrice's picture

Even with PASed out skids!  So Awesomeson has been deployed to Saudi Arabia until early April.  And here in the US Thanksgiving comes rather early aka next week.  

I'm pretty sure AwesomeDIL  will not want to travel 2 hours one way with DGD2.5, stay at our non child proofed home for two nights especially after DGD had a rather bad reaction to a flu shot a week and a half ago, then travel back (lots of driving for me)

You've Heard Of Guilty Dad Syndrome

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I'm pretty sure this is an offshoot of it.  It seems that Chef, despite everything that has happened,  is still trying to curry favor with his older half brother Mr Not so Neutral and Mr Not so Neutral's adult son.  He conveniently forgets that his family doesn't give him the time of day unless they want something for free from him.  The last time I've even seen Mr NSN's adult son was probably 9 years ago.  Mr NSN did a no-knock pop in about a year ago.  Mr. NSN's nature is to grab anything he can for free.

Prediction: The HousesHitter Will Be Evicted

thinkthrice's picture

The day after YSS's "rent payment" ends.  This has been a pattern with the Girhippo first OSS moved out right around age 19 to his uncle's house for unknown reasons.  In that case the Girhippo is going to keep quiet about him moving out and keep collecting the money until I found out on social media which she was infuriated about.
