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Kes Update

thinkthrice's picture

Wondering how Kes is getting along with the constant backsliding of her DH in the face of his now adult mini spouses (the madams)?   I know recently ot was touch and go for her.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Kes has been online and commented on another post a couple of weeks ago.

thinkthrice's picture

But no details of late on her DH wanting her to budge her boundaries re the Madams.

Kes's picture

Aww - thanks for your concern everyone - I'm touched!  It's been a difficult 18 mths since the blow up in Spring last year with SD28- for those who weren't aware - she sent me a horrible, insulting email and badmouthed me to DH as well, called me a "wanker". It was nearly the end of the marriage because DH wanted me to appease her and I refused and went on refusing - I haven't seen or communicated with her since April last year. DH has been in therapy since then, and we have been working at things which at times has been horribly painful and uncomfortable.  The good news is, DH has accepted that for the time being I want nothing more to do with his elder daughter and he sees her outside our home. In August this year she moved into her own flat with her boyfriend (deposit paid by DH) and for the minute everything is rosy in their world. But I don't suppose this state of affairs will last long. I believe her to have unstable personality disorder and she regularly manufactures dramas with herself at the centre.  But in future I hope they will affect me less badly because I have stepped back even further from her. 

Thanks again everyone for thinking of me - I really appreciate it! xxx

Catmom024's picture

I'm always happier when my SO's daughter has a boyfriend...she has someone else to latch onto other than her father.  Unfortunately she also gets pregnant...