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thinkthrice's picture

with pedicure massage chairs?  I feel like I'm getting goosed!


Notup4it's picture

Hahahaha!!! I go for pedicures all the time- last time was the first time I agreed to turning the massager  on (because I could always clearly see they make everyone’s tata’s jiggle).  I almost jumped out of my seat when the thing went right up there..... why the heck do they need a “gooser” on those chairs is beyond me!

simifan's picture

I hate those chairs, feels like someone is punching me in the back and you always have trouble turning them off.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Yes, those chairs are too rough and aggressive for my taste. But the massage chair at the car wash? I feed that thing $5 and get mad if my car is ready too quickly. lol

notasm3's picture

I am one of the few people that does not consider getting a mani/pedi to be a treat.  I get a manicure if I am getting a pedicure just for efficiency's sake.  I get a pedicure because sometimes I just really need a pedicure.  But I will put it off until I think that it is something that I really must get. 

It's not the getting "goosed' part - it's that sometimes the massage is just too hard and hurts.

DPW's picture

I don't mind most of those chairs but some of them are like balls of steel jabbing me, regardless of bone or soft tissue.... yikes!