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I'm sorry I can't, I've got things to do.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Last weekend when the skids were here I figured out something wonderful. I can leave.
I started disengaging a few weeks ago, yet I was always dragged into things. Or interrupted by one of them. I dreaded DH's weekend with a passion. As the car would get closer to the pick up spot my stomach would lurch and my shoulders tensed up. Neither would stop until they were out of the car and we were driving away on Sunday. But this last weekend I had enough of feeling like a hunch back with IBS.
The answer was so simple, has been right infront of my face the entire time. I had things I could do, I had places I could go. So, SS7,9,and 12 wanted to play video games and SD wanted to watch barbie and DH couldn't bare to tell his little princess no because it broke her little heart to be told no, and the boys don't deserve any say in anything, I left.
I went and got my nails done, had a mimosa at the salon. Wasn't ready to go home so I had a few more glasses and got a pedicure. That massage chair did wonders on my shoulder and neck tension. And as I couldn't rationalize paying for any new services and I really didn't want to get drunk at noon I paid my check. While waiting for my receit the hostess asked me if I'd like to make an appointment to get my nails refilled.
One typically gets that done about every two or three weeks. Well, not wanting my nails to ever look bad Wink I made a few appointments. Every two weeks for the next three months. Next one I don't know about a pedicure, but I do love getting my hair washed and blow dried. I almost look forward to these weekends now. DH gets to spend time with his loving little children, and I get to pamper myself which I deserve.
Win, win!!

Evil stepmonster's picture

OMG so much! We've actually gotten into it a few times because of that. My mother showed favoritism and I absolutely can't stand that. But being the only girl, and the youngest he pretty does what ever she says.

Craving Normality's picture

Gosh that sounds great. I do that sometimes. But my daughter gets a bit edgy when she is not there to make sure they are not going through her room. They have stolen from both of us before.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Maybe say you want to give him time with his daughter while having your time with your daughters. Make it all about SD. How she loves spending time with her daddy and you feel it would do her and him good to have some quality one on one time.


DH got a dose of his Girls this last weekend on friday night. I came home at 10pm to find them put to bed. YAY!

I think DH's need to have one on one with their precious little kids, so they know what we are really doing. }:)

wth was I thinking's picture

It is such a relief! I volunteer, shop, visit friends, go to the salon, etc... I get lots done on skid weekends. DH gets to be bored out of his mind with his boring kids who only want to watch tv all day. Oh well, not my problem!