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O/T Common Road Courtesy

thinkthrice's picture

So what's up with people coming to a complete stop to make a right hand turn into their driveway on a busy two lane highway?

Shouldn't you get as far as possible to the right and quickly scoot into your driveway as opposed to having a line of traffic slam on their brakes and wait for 3 minutes while said driver s-l-o-w-l-y turns into their driveway on a 50+ MPH main highway?

And what's with school buses stopping for an eternity while socializing with pj/fuzzy bunny slipper garbed stay-in-bed moms at each driveway; once again holding up traffic for miles?

This is only after said kid at each.and.every driveway s-l-o-w-l-y shuffles up to the bus after peering out of the house window or perfectly heated/cooled SUV as if looking for sniper fire before boarding.

When I was a kid there was an animal called a "bus stop" where kids would WALK (insert audible GASP) to as opposed to being picked up in front of each.and.every suburban driveway.

Bus would stop for 2.57 picoseconds as kids literally RAN up the bus steps and boarded. Minimal traffic hold up: perfect.


ESMOD's picture

The right turn thing? who knows.. I personally would try to make it as safe as possible for me and other drivers. It might not be a turn they can do at speed though.

The bus stop is due to all this safety stuff. Bus must stop at each house where we are. It's aggravating. And.. yeah, you watch the kids just shuffle up. They don't give a damn and their parents don't either.

Please try to remember that their time is ever so much more important than yours.

thinkthrice's picture

I've seen the BMs literally board the bus holding their child's hand. No wonder kids nowadays are completely helpless!

Sweet T's picture

My son is 9 and he and I almost got run over by some old lady in a huge SUV in the Target parking lot last spring while she was pulling out of the handicapped spot She ended up hitting our cart right where I would normally have him holding onto it. He does hold my hand or is right next to me anytime we are in a parking lot. This same kid is responsible enough to get off the school bus by himself and stay home alone for an hour or so, take our dog out to potty and do chores unsupervised.

DaizyDuke's picture

People are so desperate for their Dunkin, I've seen them stopped in the middle of a FOUR lane busy highway, trying to make a right hand turn because the drive through line is backed up. Like really? There are about 7 Dunkins I can think of within a 20 mile radius on my way to work. If one is busy, I'd just drive on and hit another one before I'd dead stop on a 4 lane!

Tuff Noogies's picture

there are 12 houses on my cul-de-sac. the bus drives up the road and does a 3-pt turn in the cul-de-sac. it's so effing annoying. like, really, these kids cant walk past 6 houses to stand by the stop-sign? i used to walk a half-mile - TO the bus stop. when i was FIVE. all by my-big-self.

the car-rider lines are insane. we didnt have that growing up. either you walked, or you took a bus. that was it.

my how things change...

Acratopotes's picture

hope over for a visit trice - you will love our taxi's

they stop where and when ever they want to load and off load or chat on a phone... they make u turns when ever they want, they stop at green traffic lights and drive through red ones..... stop signs are ignored by all,

and you complain about your traffic }:)