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O/T Chef Continues To Try And Learn Guitar

thinkthrice's picture

First hats off to Chef for taking the doctor's advise seriously.  He's made it for 7 weeks straight!  He looks great!  Is exercising every day, cut out drinking, is getting me into the act, snoring greatly reduced.

BUT he is tone deaf.  He'll play a chord incorrectly and not instantly realize that it's "off."  I have practically perfect pitch and can tune instruments by ear.  As soon as I hear a dissonant note, it sets my teeth on edge.  He does practice in the garage must of the time but when he practices near me it just drives me crazy. 

I try to steer him toward working out and not so much guitar.

Give me strength!


Kes's picture

I can identify - my DH has been learning guitar (my guitar!) for about a year - he is getting better though - and I'm encouraging him to take lessons so that he can improve.  At the beginning it was quite painful to listen to, however.  

justmakingthebest's picture


I am totally tone def and my husband (actually his whole family) is very musically inclined. I wouldn't even dare to try to sing or play anything with them around! 

Simpleton21's picture

That is great that he has been doing well for 7 weeks!  Not an easy feat for sure!

LOL about the guitar.  I can only imagine.  My younger brother tried different instruments for several years and they were all painful to the ears!