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Grades Thread--Alternatively Entitled "The Biggest Loser"

thinkthrice's picture

Ok the results are in:

Global Studies?  Failed

Geometry?  Failed

English?  Failed

Earth Science? Failed

PE/Gym?  Failed

Varsity Chorus?  90!


Of course they will pass YSS  16.5 in everything because he has an IEP which will let him pass at far lower grades than average.  This is the future!   The standard has been lowered below ground floor due to sheer laziness!   Scary when you go, let's say to the hospital and one of these time bombs may be employed there as an orderly or something!!!



Aniki-Moderator's picture

Varsity Chorus?  90!

It's obvious what his career path will be. Singing the blues while panhandling...

thinkthrice's picture

He can't sing!   He sings as well as his father and mother.    The Girhippo *thinks* she can sing.  She can carry a tune but that is about it.  Chef is pitchy, nasally and LOUD and he thinks he can sing;  other people have told him he can sing but probably just out of sheer fright. 

I've been told to be a good singer you have to have nostrils to breathe out of.   Chef and all his brood have extremely NARROW nostrils, basically tiny slits, making them extremely nasally. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

THat hospital thing. Same reason I avoid any and all places Psycho has worked as a medical assistant... If that's the trash they hire.... Anyone that goes there is f***ed.

classyNJ's picture

I owe you a drink or two!  You win.

SS16 failed english iii and Algebra II and a low D in the class that he originally enrolled in a tech school for.  (hint hint - be careful at the ER room with young techs)

Letti.R's picture

What is varsity chorus?

How can he be failing when the passing standards are so horribly low already?

thinkthrice's picture

AND even that, what we used to call "bird" course (meaning light and fluffy--no heavy thinking) he had to have a substitute assignment,    Probably because he couldn't make it to rehearsal or some such rot.

He's in the 10th grade.  I predict High School drop out in his future which will be even a lower bar than his two older siblings.

The zeroes alone on his assignment page are blinding!   Comments say his grades are under 30! (out of 100)

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I think YSS has the same problem my OSS had- why try when you can slack off and faill ALL YEAR, then go to summer school (AKA summer social club) three hours a day for six weeks, magically pass every "final" with exactly a 65, and be pushed on to the next grade? OSS did this EVERY YEAR from 6th grade through 12th. Full reward for zero effort.