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So FDH finally spoke with his lawyer

they8ntmine's picture

about BM not giving us schedules to any of their activities, no phone calls ever, not informing FDH when she takes the skids to dr's appts (such as for SD's broken nose) ect and the big one they talked about was BM's gas being shut off since like June and her getting letters that her electric is about to be shut off, yet she asks for money for cheerleading. The lawyer said wait until winter, if her gas is still shut off (heat) then they will go to court. He said honestly you don't want SD13 who's BM's BFF living with you right now, 13 yo girls are a pain in the *ss. And she'll be extremely mad because BM probably has no rules, FDH says yep. So she'll be mad cuz she doesn't like coming to your house cuz you have rules. SS11 he'll prob be living with you in the next few years because he doesn't listen to her and he has all these issues with her and not with you. So in his lawyers opinion, wait.

My other news.... The seller accepted our bid for a house!!!! I'm soooooo excited, now filling out contracts and crossing my fingers and toes for more good news..


zenjetset's picture

Congrats on the house! We just closed and have been living in our new home and it's terrific!!!

mom2five's picture

Sounds like you have a really good attorney. Many would have been happy to take your money regardless of the likely outcome of the case.

Contrats on the house!