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TheBrightSide's picture

Yet another Steptalker leaving the nest.

We have officially separated. For good this time.

Give me strenght my friends.

Thanks for being an ear when I needed to talk.

Good luck to you all.


TheWife's picture

Yeah, don't go. I'm sure you can still offer advice to people who are going through what you went through as well.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

TheBrightSide's picture're right. I'm sure I'll have moments. right now. I hate crying. I'm so tired of crying.

Thanks to both of you.

GiGi222's picture

Don't leave Bright. We can still use your valuable insight. Plus there are plenty of us here who can be shoulders to cry on.

Snowflake's picture

I am so sorry to hear that! A seperation is never good. I hope that you take this time to strengthen yourself. Smile

Amazed's picture

Don't leave is when you need the most support until you get strong again.

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~

Stick's picture

BrightSide - I am so sorry to hear about your loss and all that you are going through.

Please don't feel that you have to leave here. Whether you want to stay and read, or post and respond, or PM some of us for support... You do have friends here.

I hope you can allow yourself to feel all of the grief that you are going through. Cry it out. Take a shower and let the warm water wash away your tears. Take care of and coddle yourself!! Watch whatever you want to watch and spoil yourself with some comfort food. ( Later on, we'll put a limit on the comfort food!!, but for now... you go and enjoy that brownie sundae with chocolate ice cream and chocolate sprinkles and warm hot fudge!!! mmmmmmm) Wink (Or are you a salt girl??)

It's going to suck for a while, but as time goes by, it will suck and hurt less. And really honey... you never truly know. When one door closes, another one opens. This could be the start of the best year of your life!! Smile

(( Hugs )) We are here for you!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

soverysad's picture

Bright - Please don't go just because you're no longer in a step situation. There are so many wonderful women on here who have dealt with so many different problems in other areas of their lives who would love to help you through this. I have found that Stalk is more that a place for stepparents to vent. I've made friends here. I've joked and laughed and cried and grown in just the short 10 weeks I have been on here. I've found it to be a place to grieve the loss of my son, my fears of infertility, my inability to have a good relationship with my in-laws. I've shared the suicide of my brother and shared advice on controlling mothers to at least one member. Yes, this is a steptalk site, but the members here are some of the most wonderful people (men and women) I've ever known when it comes to support in any situation. Stay for awhile and let us help you heal.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

poisonapple's picture

Maybe it's not for good anyways. Sometimes men need a break from the best thing that's ever happened to them in order to fully appreciate it. Give him some time, maybe he'll come to grips with the fact that he needs you and learn how to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. In the meantime, enjoy your skid free life, but don't leave stalk. You can help other people (like me) who are travelling the same path you've already been down.

LMR120's picture

Dont leave ... you are/were a SP you great insight into things and still have lots to offer to other SP. I hope that you are at peace with your decison. If not it will come with time. WE LOVE YOU!

DISbelief's picture

Oh Bright... I am so sorry. Please stick around... you will need support, and we need your insight. Cry it out hun and when you are done, cry a little more. We love you!!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

TheBrightSide's picture

Wow....i've gotten more support from this thread of posts, than a "counselling" session I just had. It was a "phone" counselling session...(I didn't know it was possible). Waste of time, that just was...WAIT, the counsellor did say something of value: he said: "it sounds to me like this man was already married to his daughter. Some men are married to their children, work, alcohol..and they are simply unavailable...."

True that!

I think that no matter what I did or how accomodating I was...i was never going to be elevated to the status of of wife. We were never going to be a team, his love for me was always going to be conditional....conditional upon my never "rocking the boat"...the invisible wife. The entertainer.

I love you steptalkers. Thank you, for your support (oh christ, here come the tears again)...

TheBrightSide's picture

"The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference."

I know.

And indifference is the toughest thing for me to deal with.

Why is it that the person you love the most in the world, has the most power to hurt you.

I have to let go. Its just that simple.

I have to be honest, I'm fearful of the lonliness I'll feel when I'm on my own again. Its crippling. (oh hell...friggen tears again)....

Snowflake's picture

You are right... and as hard as it is to believe right now, you too will become indifferent. You will forget as time goes on... you wont dwell... and you will move on. ANd I agree with some of the other posters... just because you are no longer a SM doesnt mean that we will forget you. We all still care and want to know that you are okay. I have found this communty to be a good ear with some great advice. Smile

TheBrightSide's picture

Fearless!!!! Its true..I just re-read this post. But before I did, I posted on another thread about how EXCITED I am about my new life. You are absolutely right! I AM excited. Once I got through the initial shock, fear and tears..I can say that I'm now excited! I have sooo much to be thankful for. I'm so looking forward to my new life. Just waiting for the house to sell, then I'm OUTA HERE.

Whew. You know, I haven't cried for days!!

So, thank you ALL!

LotusFlower's picture

Bright....don't leave, is support...we have all grown to trust each other here...we may not agree, but we support each other...our situations may change...hell any one of us could possibly not be a stepmom tomorrow, but we are still valuable to each other here....let us help u get thru this...sometimes its just nice to know that we have someone to talk to that we don't have to look at...its weird but I think the written word has great healing power......u need us and we need u...u have so much insight to give and u can gain alot from the ladies who have unfortunately walked or are currently walking in yur shoes....please stay...again, we need u as much much as u need us Smile

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

Living-in-regret's picture

I'm no longer a SM and I'm still here! You women are all great and have gotten me through some HARD times.... had to change my name on here more than once, but I've been around for years.... Whether or not I am a SM.... I have no intention of going anywhere.... and neither should you Bright! We're both going through this at the same time.... we can be there for each other.

TheBrightSide's picture

A couple of months ago, my sister told me a joke (I was going through yet another bad time with DH)....

It goes something like this:

A redneck couple were leaving divorce court.
She was crying inconsolably.
He says "Oh quit crying. You're still my sister!"

It made me laugh then. Still does.
You're still my sister!

Selkie's picture

I'm sorry you're going through this, BrightSide. Sending you strength and much love.

TheBrightSide's picture

ugh...every time I come on here..i just bawl.

i wish i was angry....anger is easier...

i should hold on the fact that after we sell the house we live in, in this market, and I move back into the property i kept (thank God, I kept my name alone...sorry have to find a new place to live)..that i'll have a larger mortgage than when I bought it 10 years ago!

its only money right.

i hate him for making me feel like this....i hate him for not recognizing his role in the demise of our marriage...i hate him for treating me badly....i hate myself for ever setting eyes on him

Selkie's picture

Find that anger and use it to give you strength. He's a JERK who couldn't get his priorities straight! Screw that, Sister! You deserve someone who will place you FIRST! You'll get through it. Cry your tears but also get good and MAD dammit!

belleboudeuse's picture

My condolences, TheBrightSide. I agree with others that you will emerge from this free and relieved. Please stay on ST -- this is a site for ALL people who need support relating to step situations. Your breakup is happening because of a step situation, so you still "belong" with us! Smile


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Most Evil's picture

I am very sorry to hear this . . . it sounds like you need time to heal, from everything.

But you can still hang with us, and we will help you get through it Smile
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

TheBrightSide's picture

Its 1:30 a.m. I can't sleep. He's in the other room. I'm a mess. How am I going to survive this? I'm scared. I know my emotions will be back and forth..but right now i'm mired in the sadness.

soy_girl's picture

Hi Bright...don't start blaming yourself!!! it's easy to think "I" should have done something different, it's "my" fault...but there are 2 of you in a relationship!!! it can't work withoug BOTH partners trying their best. I'm sorry I haven't read all your blogs yet, but I'm still up too and had to respond to your post.

If you are being treated as a second class citizen in your relationship, YOU DIDN'T CAUSE IT. you only have control over how you react to it. If he's "married to his daughter" as your "counselor" put it (really?? a phone conversations?? anyway..) then you are not going to be able to be this man's partner. he's made his choice, please don't feel that you have to "fix" the relationship or else you are a failure. The failure is HIS!!

TheBrightSide's picture

i feel like i'm dying. i haven't really eaten in days..i can't sleep..and he's calm. i hate myself for still loving him....or is this fear. i can't stop the crying..

usade's picture

Dear BrightSide,

I'm new here, and we don't know each other, but I just wanted to write you anyway. I think it's common to feel the fear of loneliness when we either leave a relationship, or get kicked out of one. The thing, though, is you're NOT alone...and I don't mean "you're not the first or the last"...I've heard that crap...I mean, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I came to this site looking for help, and yeah, to vent. I sign on every day and find strength in the ideas shared (even not directly with me), and I leave feeling, yes, stronger, and more prepared for the life I'm leading, no matter where it takes me.

Cry...let it all out. At some point in time, sell, burn and/or break stuff (not the house!). Did a lot of good for me...over a camp fire or a grill. And with everything you burn, let go even more of the situation you are leaving behind you...let the fire cleanse you a little, so you have a good, clean warmth left in your heart when you're done. At some point, you will feel the "hating him for making you feel like this" be outweighted by "I love the way I feel, and it's all thanks to my choices".

And don't leave. Don't choose the loneliness. Let all the women and men who participate here also give you strength, though from afar, and to keep you healthy company.

God bless you,

TheBrightSide's picture

I thank you for your post. I just so sad. I know I'll get through it. Right now, in this moment, it feels just so painful.

TheBrightSide's picture

I thank you for your post. I just so sad. I know I'll get through it. Right now, in this moment, it feels just so painful.

belleboudeuse's picture

Honey, remember this: ALL breakups are painful right at first. Even the ones that need to happen. Even the ones where, 6 months later, you look back and say, "Wow, how did I EVER go out with that a**hole?"

Breathe. Be kind to yourself. Look toward the future. A year from now, you will be SO much better, and you will be SOOOO glad you are no longer with him.



You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved