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OT- Passports for kids

TCPCAW4E's picture

My sons freshman class is offering a package for the students to go to Paris and I think this is a great opportunity for him but he will need a passport. That's where I run into a problem I have to have "sperm donars" signature. He is a dead beat dad and is not involved in his childrens life, hasn't seen them for years and the times he has called he has called from a private number. I have no clue where he is, lives or how to contact him. Everything I have researched and everyone I have talked to say I need his signature.

my BD-12 vs FH

TCPCAW4E's picture

My FH and I have been together over a year and have had minor problems with my middle child BD-12 which is very stubborn and bull headed. I've witnessed some of the issues in the past and her and I talked and resolved them. The past few weeks she has become a bit out of control she disrespects FH, smarts off to him, rolls her eyes,etc. He and I talk to each other when either one of us are having issues with his/my children and get things under control.

hahaha.. BM SMACKED in the face!!!!!!!!

TCPCAW4E's picture

I've been sweating my FH CS court date for weeks now. Well it was yesterday and boy did the AG surprise him, he has been working a lot of overtime this year which is very rare. So the AG tells him first thing your CS is going to go up almost $800 that would be a total of around $2000 a month for 2 kids(that's a lot)because of what he has made so far this year. Thank God he decided to get an attorney FH attorney took him outside and asked if he wanted to pay that he said "HELL NO" that's more than our house note.

Responsible for watching FH kids.............

TCPCAW4E's picture

here is the situation... I don't feel that I am obligated to watch FH kids when it's his weekend while he has to work all weekend. He see's it as a problem but I dont because it's his weekend with his children not mine, I have my own that I spend 24/7 with. I asked him in the past when you had to work these shifts(before I came in the picture) who kept you kids while you worked these hours and he said BM or Grand Parents. BM see's it as a problem also cause it takes away from her partying(like I give a shit what she thinks).

Am I being selfish or do I have the right to say no?