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why is common sense so hard?

sweetthing's picture

So tonight at dinner SS13 told his dad he wants to play rugby after school which is a 6 week program which starts right after school & games can start anywhere from 3:30 to 5:30. DH's custody time is between 4 & 5:30 mon, tues & till 8 pm Thursday. BM of course said she was fine but his dad had to approve as the 2nd half.

Here's the issue SS plays baseball ( which is his passion ) and it starts May & run through July. He plays at least 2 to 3 nights & his brother plays the other 2 nights. Baseball starts between 5 & 5:30. Hello??? why would you say yes, how can you not see the time conflict. Instead DH gets to be the bad guy by saying no because it just isn't practical. The kid needs that time after school to get home work done, eat & get ready for baseball he can't be spending that time playing another sport which is also a contact sport.

Dh is going to talk to her about it tonight when he drops them off. I am sure she will try to see a way that SS can do it as her BFF the manimal's kid is thinking about doing it as well. The other thing I am waiting to come up is she emailed DH a few weeks about the fact she has signed SS10 up for a week at boyscout camp & SS13 for a class which total 600.00 for 1 week of entertainment for the kids & then asked DH how they were going to pay for it. The correct response is his portion is paid for with her tax free CS, he just ignored the email & didn't respond. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one.

Dh just got home & she wasn't even home, apparently it was the coaches meeting for SS 10's team & she went w/o telling DH so he could go with. Bitch. Always have to be super mom & have people thinking she is poor single mom just like her ex con BFF the manimal.


sweetthing's picture

I think what is so hard for me is always waiting for the other shoe to drop & having no control over this area of my life. I want our money to be just that after the CS is paid, I want our time off from work to be just that not dictated by someone else who doesn't get that things don't get to just resolve around 2 kids when we have 5 people in our family to consider.

BettyRay's picture

I completely understand.

BM signed SS14 up for the following without comsulting DH first:

Baseball - April - July Games 2x's a week, practice 2x's a week.
German Class trip out of state for 4 days - May
Boy Scout Camp 1 Week - July
Boy Scout Boundary Water Trip - 1 week July or August.
Boy Scout Sea Base - July 2012 - 1 week - (must become PADI cert.(scubba diving)-cost $450, classes this summer/ this is in addition to the other trip expenses)

and SS14 is failing most of his classes. He was recommended for summer school. Summer school is from june - july but BM wants him to do these other activities. DH and I think these activities are a privledge not a right.

The lawyer has told us anything she signed him up for and told DH about after DH is not responsible for contributing financially to.

BUT DH saying no to SS14 makes DH look like the bad guy all the time. And it's just another way BM can show by her actions that she is in control.

I too get tired of having someone else in charge of my schedule during the week nights. Tonight is SS9's pine wood derby, and SS14 has scouts so DH and I will be trucking them around since BM has to work. It's so irritating.


sweetthing's picture

Boy scouts is a huge committement & can get very expensive. I think it is a good organization, but do you really need to go on monthly camping trips & two meetings a month & whatever else they have and a week of camp. SS11 also plays basebal;l & is in band. DH got on him last night about the fact his sax has been sitting in the same spot for 2 weeks & that he should practice every day & BM about bit his head off, because there is no time for it because of all his home work. Please tell me home is he supposed to do home work supposedly 2 hrs a night, practice his sax & play baseball & be in bed by 9pm. Also throw in boyscouts.

I get wanting the kids to be involved & well rounded but you can't do everything & get good grades. Also the more kids you have makes it more difficult. Also both her & DH made the decision to divorce & knew than that their time with the kids would be divided. It worked out for her that he got the kids after school while she was at work, so she has no problem filling up that time with other stuff.