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My end of year round up .....

Sweetnothings's picture

Well, I haven't posted on here for a while as things have been super quiet in Skidville......

ASS 2 is still living in the homeless accomodation, but the clock is ticking on that as you only have so long before you do have to leave. The skid is still not working, and I am not at all surprised. DH has resisted the emails to send money and called skid out on the bluff, and that was that.

ASS1 has been VERY quiet, I think since we saw the skid in the Summer and presented a very strong and happy front, the message that the gravy train has really stopped,has sunk in !!!!! Skid is still with loser sap bf who has been unemployed for over six months now, no jobs on the horizon, so I don't think the Wedding will happen next year.

DH and I have been talking a lot about the future and all the fun things we want to do, as well as the important things like paying off the mortgage early, redecorating and saving like crazy for our retirement. We're not old,,but it's only twenty odd years away, lol !!

I'm obviously still disengaged and LOVIN' IT !!!!! No more dramarama in my life and if the skids do throw something my way, I squash it done ASAP. DH and I are still agreeing on NO adult skids living with us, and no flinging them money.

Sadly DH knows that if he is not flinging them the money, he is usually ignored until the next attempt.....

That's my fairly boring update, Happy 2014 to all my fellow steptalkers !!!!

ASS stands for Adult Sloth Skid ( and I have two of them !!)


Sweetnothings's picture

Well the decision about adult skids not ever living with us did not happen overnight. Ass1's behaviour over the last seven years has helped get DH to agree with it.Check out my blog. Both skids deciding not to ever work helped too }:) I mean adults just sitting around living off us ?? No way !! Even DH was appalled by this notion !! Also I was super lucky that we moved away from them, and then further again to a permanent move. Really it's a case that if these skids don't work they cannot come to us as it's expensive and DH is not going to pay thousands to get them here }:)

Also, as time moves on, and the skids are adults and still not getting themselves together, DH is able to "see" them more clearly ( like how everybody else does without guilty Disney Dad rose tilted glasses on ) and it's turned out almost exactly how I predicted years ago, and DH understands that more.

Disengaging is the start's not a miracle cure, but the longer I do it, the happier I am .....