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Sweetie's Blog

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Sweetie's picture

Well, I feel like we are getting to the end of the season shows. I am having so much trouble with my 15 yr old poodle being @@##**!!!!! and ^^&&%%@@!!!!! that I've had to mop my kitchen floor 3 separate times this weekend. Of course, that's after I had to put on gloves over my blistering hands, ouch!


Sweetie's picture

Hi All,
Well, you can probably tell by the title, I am day late, and dollar short. I seem to be fighting furiously with this stinking dermatitis. It either itches very badly or it's blistering and burning. I don't know what's worse. But I have a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning, thankfully. I am trying to hard to control myself and not scratch, like mind over matter. And it's damned difficult.

The Engine That Could

Sweetie's picture

Well, I don't look or feel like much these days but I am trying to just keep boosting myself up despite what is thrown at me. I made another appointment with my primary doctor's office so that I could get additional care and they would send me to a dermatologist and also call a different rheumatologist because I can't get anywhere. GA is different because your doctor's office has to call for a specialist appointment and I am not used to that. It's very confusing and frustrating when you are dependent on someone else.

Seeing Clearly

Sweetie's picture

I don't know how clearly I can see these days, or if I even see the forest through the trees. I seem to be in a rough patch. I wrote a blog and then the electric went out and it didn't get posted so all my thoughts were for naught (2 days ago). And I am still having major problems with the unexplainable atopical dermatitis on my hands which is itchy and painful. I am so self-conscious and don' want to be seen with it. My husband hurt himself over the weekend and his lower back is messed up. So, I had that to contend with over the weekend plus the 3 dogs by myself.

A Sprinkle of Sun

Sweetie's picture

Well, it looks as if things are slowly starting to turn around and perhaps I'll get a little respite. Thankfully. The tax return made it to my old bank account, I just got it reopened just in the nick of time. The puppy is still not sleeping, don't know what's up with that. My husband is in a terrible mood....very nasty. I think he would kick the dog if he thought I wasn't looking. I declined having him take the dog out a 2nd time this morning. He had already stepped on the dog's back foot from not watching what he was doing and I didn't want any more vet bills.

It's Crazy Here

Sweetie's picture

Well, I am so glad that I've gotten away from those residential issues where the biomom is going to move into the neighborhood. I so remember that uncomfortable feeling where that wretch just kept showing up everywhere. It was truly nauseating.

Caught in a Whirlwind

Sweetie's picture

Well, I have been busy unraveling the banking mess I've been trying to get straightened out for a couple of weeks. Finally getting it finished up with apologies from both banks after I have completely pulled my hair out. Now I know why people used to just hid their money under the mattress. Smile Sometimes you need some of the services from a larger bank but you also need the qualities of a small town bank to take care of your business.

Was it the Itsy Bitsy Spider?

Sweetie's picture

Well, it's been quite a few days since I've logged back in. I've been about out of my mind as I've been bitten by what appears to be probably some kind of spider and have a series of bites and tracks going down my right upper arm. It's driving me crazy. It happened sometime during the night Sunday and I found it Monday a.m. and by lunch it had started swelling but I wasn't too sure what it was. I am severely allergic to insect bites so I had some steroids left and started taking them and using cortisone cream and benadryl but I can't get the redness and swelling to go down.
