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Stupid stuff my ex says

Sweet T's picture

So bs9 and I were swinging at the park today and we were talking. He tells me my ex told the kids the 18 year old is his favorite now because he doesn't have to pay for him any more. WTF! Serious or joking so inappropriate.


notsobad's picture

So did you tell the 9 year old that he's your favourite now because he's still making you money???? (That's sarcasm by the way, I need a sarcasm icon)

JezabelinHell's picture

Eugh. What a tool. Nice for the 9 year old to think they mean nothing but monetary value. Sheesh.

Sweet T's picture

Some days I have no idea what goes through the man's mind. I hate he talks money with our son. I don't get a lot cs from him and when cs was figured the health insurance for bs cost 59.00 a month it was increased to 300.00 a month and I have ducked up the 250.00 increase. I also make sure I fill my ms meds the first of the year so I hit my deductible so bs has no medical bills that my ex has to pay 47% of.

Maxwell09's picture

I really, REALLY hate when parents openly have favorites or even passively have favorites. It kills me when parents even joke like that because it still hurts feelings or makes children question their "standings" either way.

Sweet T's picture

He is a piece of work. Sometimes he speaks to me sometimes he will through bs. Friday at pick up he argued with me overy bs'a baseball hat. He was insisting it was the same hat he wore in a picture he has from 4 years ago. I said no I bought this last year. He didn't like that and rolled up his window and turned away to let me know he was done with me.He unrolled it when I told bs I would pick him up Sunday at 5pm because he was insisting he got him till 6pm, because it is a holiday. The Decree Only says he gets him every Father's day Not That He Gets Him Till 6pm. Personally I am fine with it, but he is such an ass it is difficult to work with him.