Kids should not have to worry about this stuff!
So the back story here is that my ex husband is not speaking to his parents right now. He has done this several times in the past but this last incident is a doozy. He is not speaking with anyone but his one brother. I only know this because his parents contacted both BM1 and I and asked if they could see the boys around Christmas. They are very nice people and I always got on well with them. Since the divorce my contact is very minimal as they live in Florida and they are not my family any more. My ex has done some pretty crappy stuff to them over the years and has now confronted them with this awful lie he has made up about his older brother and expected them to choose one of them. ( I know it is a lie because his story has changed and grown over the years into something crazy.) They are heart broken. They tried to see him & the kids this summer and he hung up on them.
So now to the story, ex husband & his new wife are going on a trip to Florida in March and they are taking BS9 out of school for a week and bringing him with. They are going to be staying 30 minutes from his parents and they are going to Spring Training. His parents live in the same town as spring training and have family come down and they go to the games ( this includes the brother he hates) .
So tonight at dinner we were talking about baseball ( that is what the kid lives for) and I asked what games they were going to ( just conversation nothing else... I had gotten him some new MLB t shorts this weekend for his trip) He said he was not sure and got this look on his face. He said mom, what do I do if we run into my grandpa and the game since dad isn't talking to them ( BS has no idea why just that his dad is not speaking to them..from him not me). I hate because his dad is screwed up that a 9 year old has to worry about crap like this. I told him if you see your grandpa you talk to him. He loves you and your dad for that matter.
I hate that a kid has to deal with stupid stuff like this. His dad has so much freaking drama. I don't miss dealing with it and am thankful that BS doesn't have to deal with it on a daily basis.
- Sweet T's blog
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A 9 year old can use the
A 9 year old can use the phone. Why can't he call his grandparents and have a relationship with them outside of his father?
He does, they came to my
He does, they came to my house and got him and have talked on the phone. He is worried about running into them at the ballpark and his dad ignoring them and if he should too.
My former inlaws know that they can have Bs9 whenever they are here if he is with me. They also know that doesn't mean they need to hang out with me.
You are wrong about the
You are wrong about the prying, we were talking about baseball and spring training. I make it a point not to say bad things about his dad, it is too bad that doesn't go both ways. Please move on and worry about yourself Tommar or who ever you are.