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Ex re wrote history

Sweet T's picture

So my crazy ex has rewritten history. He has a new girlfriend of 2 weeks who he is talking about upgrading to fiancee and having babies with. Last night he told me he told her that he told her about being arrested. BUT here is what he believes happened. Poor baby was on the wrong medication for years because he was mis diagnoised but he is all better now..see how nice and calm I am he tells her. ( he forgot about being written up just last week for fraking out and yelling at a coworker. He was an asshole for the last few months. On the last night I attacked him after he slapped away my hand and tried to kill him by choking him and then had him arrested.

He tells me right now she isn;t your biggest fan. WTF!!! Oh and the week he has all 3 kids for vacation, he is taking them camping by her parents and she will meet the kids then and he will meet her parents for the first time. ( 1 month from now ).

BM1 and I had a meeting of the ex wives club after he left and we are pissed. The kids don't need this. The older 2 know he has a girl friend and are sickened by it. Oh and my CS check won't clear. Starting next week it comes out auto maticly from his paycheck so I won;t have to talk money with him again. I have to wait till Thursday to cash this one. Oh and he is pissed that he has to pay me. He made the comment that I had once said I didn't need his money so why couldn't I just not take it. He is poor and my fridge ( he got a drink out of it) is stocked with name brand pop and food. ( I grocery shop for the week on Sunday. BS and I each take a lunch with us every day and I rarely eat out as I am dieting) He totally went off about the money.

He will not be setting foot in my house again.


Willow2010's picture

On the last night I attacked him after he slapped away my hand and tried to kill him by choking him and then had him arrested.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ this what happened or is this what he is telling the girlfriend? lol

DaizyDuke's picture


And why are you letting this man in your home? didn't you end up calling the cops and getting an RO against him? No way ANY ex of mine would step foot in my home (kids involved or not) much less one that was violent and unpredictable.

Sweet T's picture

This is what he told the girlfriend.It is NOT the truth. FOr weeks leading up to the final night he had been exploding on me telling me he wished I was dead so he could piss on my grave and dance a jig, he would pin me up against the wall and scream inches from my face. Additionally he had hit me previously and had attacked me the year before and tried to choke me in bed and ended up pushing with all his might on my face till I cratched the shit utr of him. He had screamed and raged at me me multiple times a week for 3 months prior.Oh and 3 weekd before he threatened to hit BM with a baseball bat and had one of these screamming fits infront of all 3 kids AND tried to kick SS16 out of the house.

That night he went off and screamed and yelled at me, cried, total crazy melt down. I got up and put my hand on his arm and he yelled that I was asaulting him ( I had previously told heim if he touched me again I would call the police so his new thing was to scream and pin me up against the wall and then tell me hit me, you know you want to...then I will call the police on you) I shut off his c pap to try and talk withhim and he kept turning it on. We went back an forth on that, then he started hitting me and bending my fingers back. I scratched his cheek and then IU did grab his through or a couple of seconds I stopped my self and when I tried to get up he kicked me in the head and stomach. I ended up calling his parents who I had reached out for help previously and his dad told him to go to a hotel. When he got off the phone he told me that I was the one leaving or he was having me arrested. I refushd, he mad menacing threats finally left. I was terrified, he sat in the garage gunning his engine. After he left I called the cops because I was afraid and I wanted to file a report so they knew the truth. I told them exactly what I did after he started hitting me. They arrested him I never pressed charges.

He is mentally ill and I have the MMPII test that says he suffers from major depression, anxiety,multiple personalty disorders including passive aggressive disorder. He stated that he has anger issues and used his anger to bully me.

He will never step foot in my house again. He was inside so we could discuss the CS check that would not clear the bank.

misSTEP's picture

Oh man, Sweet T. Please don't EVER let him in your house again and try not to give a shit what BS he is spinning for his newest victim. You know by now that a lot of the stuff he claimed about BM is a bunch of shit, too.

zerostepdrama's picture

Sounds like he is bringing nothing but drama into your life. Deal with him as we would all advise someone to deal with an Ex or a BM. Kids business only.

Dont let him small talk you, etc and get you dragged into his drama of whatever. He is trying to engage you and make you jealous or upset. And him doing that is stupid.

Doesnt matter what he says to his new GF. Doesnt matter what she thinks of you. She will soon find out what kind of person he is.

I know initially it was hard to just cut off the communication with my Ex when we split up. It was new terroritory for us and we were trying to figure it all out, etc. But once I really made communication about BS that is when he didnt bring his drama into my life or didnt try to start extra drama.

hereiam's picture

The crazies always re-write history. Every man BM gets with is told how badly my DH treated her. They eventually find out the truth, but there were a couple of guys who thought they wanted to "protect" BM from my husband. Little did they know, they would be the ones needing protection from her.

learningallthetime's picture

Everyone has selective history...some more than others. It is why as the new GF you should always take what the current flavor says with a grain of salt, meet friends and family earlier on. Not necessarily go to the ex but at least get an idea.

I believed my exes stories about how evil BM1 and BM2 were, never really questioned because I LOVEEEDDDD and trusted him - big mistake! Not being able to meet his family as they were all crazy, never questioning...big mistake! Not wondering why all his friends were newer...big mistake.

With sociopathic types in particular, they are extremely charismatic, extremely believable (at first) and able to con their way into being the victim EVERY time - they absolutely believe it themselves (No matter how crazy) - so they are not lying, THEY believe it, so cues for someone lying simply are not there. My ex will even now stand and tell me a complete lie to my face, I will point out to him how I know it is a lie, with evidence, at which point he twists the lie more and tries to make me think I am wrong - and this is hard to deal with even now knowing he is lying...when I trusted him, why would I ever question.

BM2s husband says even he gets turned upside down in conversations with ex, because of this lying so competently. He does not know how anyone close to ex remains sane.

So, no point talking to her, she has to see if for herself. I wish there was a book for new dates and what to watch out for - of course she believes him, you probably did too when you first were with him - I am guessing initially you did not stay with him thinking "what an asshole and liar, clearly BM1 is wonderful and this is not true"...otherwise you would have left, which you did when the truth became clear.

I find it hard on here sometimes reading the stories of the SM's, the BM's are crazy (of course) and ex is misunderstood. Of course there are cases like this, but also how many times on here do we see the SM wanting to leave because the DH actually turns out to be a problem. Buyer beware with any relationship - and I always think if it is high conflict with an ex it is a huge red flag, if it is all the exes fault - bigger red flag (it takes two to tango). Maybe this is why I am destined to be single forever, I no longer trust people!

misSTEP's picture

It's also why these narcisstic types tend to move on so quickly and move a new relationship so quickly! They want to tie the newest victim down before they can find out what they are TRULY like.

Gabriels Mom's picture

Wow...Cuntalotapus wrote a blog about how it's okay to rewrite history if it helps you feel better about the past.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Wow. I actually laughed out loud when I read that. But it certainly explains a lot. A little peek inside their minds is very interesting.

Sweet T's picture

We were talking about the CS check that bounced. He then told me this because he has no filter. Wont happen again.

Today he is waging crazy on BM#1.

Sweet T's picture

We were talking about the CS check that bounced. He then told me this because he has no filter. Wont happen again.

Today he is waging crazy on BM#1.

Sweet T's picture

TRust me the lesson was learned.

I hate to say it but he is gunning for BM#1 today...more of his FB craziness. I will get a reprieve for a bit. I hope he shares this funfact with girl friend as this should be a redlight if she has any common sense.

zerostepdrama's picture

Shoot my Ex tries to re-write history to ME. Umm hello, I was there, it did not happen that way. But whatever makes you feel better.

As long as I know the truth of what happened, that is all that matters.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

My husband loooooves to rewrite history.
He has always been abusive to me.

A few years ago he had stage 4 lung cancer. I was doing everything humanly possible to see about his comfort and care. He still chose to abuse me. He yelled at me while he was in the hospital. He yelled at me at the chemo clinic. It never fucking stopped so I backed off. I figured if he had enough energy to yell at me and abuse me maybe he doesn't need my help as much as I thought.

Nowadays his version is not that he drove me away with abuse but that I abandoned him and he had to do everything all by himself.
Poor baby.

It's maddening when they do this but we have to remember the truth and hold our heads high.

It takes a special kind of crazy to rewrite history and be so delusional.

No contact=no new hurts.

SMof2Girls's picture

I guess he's impressed by name brand sodas? Cool. It's all borderline poisonous crap, regardless of the name on the label.

Stop letting this person in your house. Stop gossiping about him with other ex's. Time to grow up and stop worrying about what he does with his life. You can't control him or his fiance or his decisions to let the kids meet her.

SMof2Girls's picture

I didn't get the impression that she was still grieving over the loss of that relationship.

The fact that she holds meetings of the "ex-wives clubs" indicates some pretty juvenile behavior to me. I apologize if that's not the case.

Sweet T's picture

Let me clarify, You will not have ever seen me on here calling BM #1 names like some of you do. I have actually always had a good working relationship with her and developed a friendship. He did the same things to her as to me only they were escalating in my case. I love her children and treated them well during my 9 years of helping raise them. How juvenile is that. She supported me during this period. We talk about it because we have a crazy ex husband who exposese our children to crazy behavior.

It is hard to see yourself replaced by someone else so quickly and because he won't shut up and shares with me details about this woman it hurts. Even if he is a crazy bastard. so do me a favor if you find me so juvenile move on.